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Currently, Webnovel uses an automatic algorithm to flag English novels that are detected to contain "characters that don't appear on US English keyboard". Flagged novels don't appear in the index or rankings, can't be given power stones and can't participate in contests.
Besides the obvious inability to use emoticons () including kaomoji (〒▽〒) , you can't even use some of the basic symbols such as
. Putting aside the loss our novels are receiving because we aren't allowed to express ourselves as we wish, putting aside the humor value we are losing due to this restriction, we can't even write out proper text chats between our characters inside our novels. What if you are writing a MMORPG novel where people are talking via text chat all the time? It becomes super important to properly display that characters messaging style, such as them maybe using a lot of cutesy emoticons, etc. What if your character receives a text message on their phone or is a part of a chat group? Can't properly express it because you'll get flagged...
Speaking of symbols, we don't know which characters are allowed and which are not because that definition of "characters that don't appear on US English keyboard" is very vague. Will my novel be flagged because I am using euros in my novel (€)? Will my novel be flagged because I'm using the greek alphabet such as alpha and beta characters? Will my novel be flagged if I'm writing fiance as fiancé? Will it be flagged if instead of using three dots ... we use character … (and yes, though you can't tell visually, they are different characters).
Those last two are especially important because everyone who writes their stories in Microsoft Word will have word automatically correct the left version into right.
Does this algorithm make it so we can't use some of the English words that originate from different languages? Does it mean that you can't have your characters speaking elfish/elven, not unless your elven language uses the most basic English alphabet? We can't have a Spanish old woman in our novel that curses in Spanish when agitated? We can't properly spell out names/last names of our novel's characters who come from Slavic countries/Russia (Pavlič) etc. We can't have our character run into people who speak a different language and actually write out what they are saying in their native tongue?
Anyway, at any time your novel can suddenly get flagged at the worst possible time and you will be losing readers, your visibility, and the ability to participate in contests.
The solution?
Well it would be the best if you removed the flagging algorithm altogether because it doesn't seem to be of much use. I've never seen anything similar in any of other countless novel writing/reading sites and they don't have any issues not having such a stupid algorithm.
If you decide to keep such a menace, then explicitly define in a visible place which symbols are allowed and which will get you flagged. No one wants to wake up one day to their novel being flagged for some inexplicable reason and for the support staff to tell you "you won't get flagged if you don't use emoticons in your novel".
Why shouldn't we be able to use emoticons in our novel? That makes absolutely no sense. And why can't you even tell us which character/symbol is causing the issue?
And do you know what the funniest thing about all this is? Not all novels are working under the same rules! Novels that have been created at an older time are using another encoding method that doesn't cause them to get flagged if they use certain emoticons. So now you've got discrimination between novels. Some older novels can use all kinds of different super funny and expressive emoticons while the newer ones can only watch green with envy.
Authors aren't the only one suffering from this algorithm, content editors are losing time constantly due to authors contacting them about "whitelisting" their novel. The algorithm is literally costing you money as your content editors that should be doing much better things with their time have to constantly have the same conversations with authors and unflag their novels over and over again.
What are you guys doing??? And why did you ever think this was a good idea???