Sighgray Whether the usage of emojis is good or bad should be something for the author to decide by themselves, not for the system to decide for them.
There are many novels with a comedic or light-hearted feel made for young adults that might benefit from being able to include emoji. Maybe that which you call "immature" might come off as "funny" or "cute" to someone else. Just because you don't read novels that use them doesn't mean that they shouldn't be used.
Also, your point would have come off much more believable if you yourself didn't use emojis to express it. (◞‸ლ)
Why didn't you go in to explain your skeptical and annoyed looks? Why use these bad, bad emojis?
I agree with you that emojis shouldn't be used excessively, however, when you know the right time and place to use them they can add a lot of value.
Since you cannot come up with any examples of good usage, let me help you out:
when you are in the middle of an action-packed scene and dropping a proper explanation of the character's facial expression would slow down or interrupt the mood you've created. Of course, you CAN just not explain the facial expression, like everyone has been doing for centuries, and leave it to the reader to imagine based on the tone of the words, but now you have a third option: (눈_눈)
when your characters are in a situation that has a perfect meme expression for it. For example "flipping the table", (ノಥ益ಥ)ノ ┻━┻ or "why god, why??" щ(゚Д゚щ) Of course your character in the story won't really be flipping a table, and most of the time there won't even be a table to flip. But just inserting a meme reference enhances the entire feel for those familiar with it.
When you are writing dialogues between entities that don't have a face or even a body, for example, writing dialogues between a person and a system, you can't say things like "system furrowed its eyebrows", "system pouted", and the system can't even make gestures: "system facepalmed", "system shrugged", etc. This would usually mean that you'd just depend on reader's imagination or you'd occasionally drop in lines like "if system had a face it would be pouting right about now". But now you have a third option: ╮(╯▽╰)╭
"There's a BL VRMMORPG original here that doesn't use emojis in her story and she's doing brilliantly."
ಠ_ಠ Of course she is. Gems will shine whether they use emojis or not. They will just shine brighter if they can use them when they need them.
Also, when you say VR MMO do you mean those MMOs where you actually talk to others in VR and don't use text chat like in normal MMOs? Because mentioning that as a counter-example here would be a bit... (◞‸ლ)
"being unable to use it in stories here is not really a disadvantage."
Riiiight. Not having a feature is really not a disadvantage. Just like how not having the ability to format text, and include links and images, isn't a disadvantage either, I mean what kind of a shitty author needs that stuff?!?
Destiny_Aitsuji It doesn't work like that. I once fixed a typo in a chapter and once I saved the edit, my novel got blocked. Didn't even add any new emojis. The algorithm just reran on the chapter due to the update.
But thank you for trying to be helpful.
And yes, a good story can be told without emojis, text formatting, images, links, footnotes, etc. But does that mean we shouldn't have those features? And that the story absolutely cannot be improved by having them?
Lastly, everyone here is treating a helpful suggestion on how to improve the system for writers as if I have committed a grave sin, and are suggesting something blasphemous. It is because of people like you that webnovel staff doesn't give a sh*t about listening to feedback of its users. Instead of seeing someone suggest a nice feature and then saying "yeah, that would be nice to have", you come to insult the original poster and by extension make sure that the feature doesn't ever get implemented. You are not helping anyone. You are doing the opposite of helping - you are oppressing those that are different by trying to curry favor with those in power.
@Demonic_angel Yes, editors have it hard. But do authors not? Content editors get their guaranteed pay whether they have to unlock novels or not. But authors' livelihood depends on their novel getting enough exposure. How can you look at that conversation and only think "ah, poor content editors"?
What? Content editors are poor because they constantly get asked the same questions like what support staff everywhere does all the time? Oh, but authors who stay up day and night waiting for a response/solution because their novel had been blocked in a middle of a contest, are definitely getting what they deserve! Burn them on the stake!
Especially because there is so much clear and precise information posted everywhere on exact things that will get you blocked! (눈_눈)
How could you even think that your novel can use stuff what others are using in their novels and function properly?!? How dare you! Do you deserve to get the same treatment as others?!