The problem with this is that I like checking on my history of what i said and done. It is infuriating when a notice pops up saying an author has deleted something and I cant check what the hell it was. This fucking website keeps blocking ways for us to freely speak.

I hate that authors have the POWER to delete any review they see fit. It really makes me mad when this shit happens all the time and this fucking website turns a blind eye to it. I spend MY fucking time reading their story and in the end my review gets deleted because it hurts the authors feelings because one of my 3-5 paragraph 3-4~ star reviews said a part was badly thought out and can be improved.

Hell! ever since I cant see any chat history of anyone or myself I kept being spammed that my reviews were getting deleted and I have no clue what is getting deleted! This is fucking pathetic.

I'M permanently DONE WITH REVIEWING ON THIS SITE. I made a rant about this awhile back, but, I started reviewing works again after awhile. FUCK THIS SITE AND THE AUTHORS


    It goes both ways. Before the authors could check their readers' profile, to see their previous comments/reviews and likes on other stories. It was very useful to know if a review was legit or if the guy was just a troll, a bot, or an immature hater ranting ect..

    For example, some demanding readers will give a 3 stars, while saying "Good story" (because for them the average webnovel is worth a 2-2.5). Is it a troll, or a legit review? Only way to be sure was to check his/her previous reviews and see the rating he/she gave and what he/she wrote each time.

    Some haters for example only rant. When checking their profile you could easily notice that they never let any positive comment/review to anyone. The way to deal with these readers would change accordingly.

      Arkinslize Some haters for example only rant. When checking their profile you could easily notice that they never let any positive comment/review to anyone. The way to deal with these readers would changed accordingly.

      lol’d.. So just because someone never leaves a positive comment, means that their constructive criticism should be deleted?)

        Dude most reviews on WN are not meant to be trusted. The amount of well done reviews can be counted in 1 hand


        That's not what I said. I mean toxic readers. Those that will pick on anything that triggers them to let a mean comment/review.

        Of course, constructive reviews are not the same. But once again someone able to write constructive reviews will be able to mention the good and bad points of a novel. I don't think there is any novel (even on this app) so bad that one can't even find one good redeeming point.

          Arkinslize That's not what I said. I mean toxic readers. Those that will pick on anything that triggers them to let a mean comment/review.

          People don’t(generally) get triggered for no reason. Personal tastes notwithstanding, most of the negative feedback given by dem toxic readers, usually highlights actual faults in the novel.

          And although such criticism can’t truly be considered ‘constructive’, it is still valid and therefore, shouldn’t be disregarded. If the author wants to write a good novel and cares to provide the readers with a satisfying experience, den he needs to learn to accept all types of criticism, instead of simply stamping something as ‘toxic’ and proceeding to delete it without a second thought. Authors on this site need to understand that it’s quite daunting for people to remain polite when they’re ’triggered’ aka. agitated.

          P.S. I demand that the meaning of ‘constructive criticism’ be redefined. Writing positive feedback? Ain’t nobody got time for that!)

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