zswaleh This answer has made my day XD
What kind of weapons is your most-wanted?
DemonSect the mc uses a brick the entire time in USAW
kingyusuf Neither of those cheats are very good the first time you get them, you need to let a few other people own them first and then get them, otherwise you just have a book or a cube that you aren't qualified to use, no different that a paperweight.
Al_theGenie u know what made my day, my girl´s ass.
i am sorry i am just sexually super active.
Ass this ass that, when will it stop.cries sops The AGONY,OMG the AGONY
BOws Thank U THank U, i too believe this was my best perfomance yet.
- Edited
zswaleh Uh... Sure... Have you tried any therapy to cure you of your sexual addiction?
Neverfire7 nah, don´t wanto yet.
Twin Swords.. Dual Blades.. However, I have yet to read one that has used such a damn awesome weapon (imo)
I got this from Kirito (SAO) and Monster Hunter xD
zswaleh cries sobs
As yo can see it could have been better :smirk:
I would like the brick, from "The Strongest System".
It would be awesome to get that.
Neverfire7 Only if you have an image. Sighs, Only if you had one...
The ability to summon any man made weapon and as many as I desire
Duel Blades/ Twin swords (Hmm....seems like I'm not the only one who like this weapon)
Magic flute/zither
Al_theGenie thanks for the commment i will do better for As- i mean For HUMANITY inside thoughts and the women´s asses
A weapon that always got my attention it's the clawed gauntlet in your non-dominant hand. And a light weapon in the dominant one, either swords, daggers, hatchets, etc.
IIXXII The ability to summon any man
When I read this I was very confused...
My weapon are my words. .(see konjiki no wordmaster)
Neverfire7 My bad. Correction: The ability to summon any man-made weapons and as many as I desire
RenegadeXX STANDO in a way is a kind of weapon for ghost cultivator. Maybe.