August 2020: Review Swap Here
RJMidnight got it! Thanks. Here's the one for mine again since the actual post is so far back:
I'm ready for more review swaps!! Who got me?'s-attraction_17733820506737905
- Edited
I have reviewed the books written by the following 8 authors-
raima_alam, Drapetomaniac12, BLACKCRUST, SilentMild, Readoholic, Nightsummer20 , SaturnSpring and victorines. Review swaps are awaited from SaturnSpring and victorines.
Anyone left out or who wants a review swap done, let me know. The above threads are so long that I lost track, so I decided to put all the reviews done and awaited in one place.
The link to my book is-
done. good job.
i am done.
Hi. Anyone interested in swapping is welcome. here is my book.
Henry_Hyren Gotcha! Here's mine
It's my first dystopian book, I hope you have fun reviewing it ^ ^
Henry_Hyren Gotcha! Here's mine
It's my first dystopian book, I hope you have fun reviewing it ^ ^
pelzy sure! I don't know if you've reviewed my book before...
It's my first dystopian book, I hope you enjoy reviewing it. I'll review yours as well :)
RenuKakkar sure! here's my book.
It's my first dystopian book. I hope you enjoy reviewing it. I'm currently reading your novel. It's very informative ^ ^
JustLikeWriting777 wanna swap? here is my novel. I'll review yours in exchange ^ ^
pelzy what's your link again?
JustLikeWriting777 Jreading yours now ^ ^
@pelzy @RenuKakkar Henry_Hyren I just finished reviewing your novels. It took me so long since I was reading them. They're really engrossing for me ^ ^
DaisukiDayoSenpai I just read and reviewed urs. And I love it!