this is why we need a dislike button.
although part of this is because qidian flawed system, that allows multiple review on any given novel, including their 'book of answer'.
why is reviewing before a book is released a big deal?
if youre writing a review you might want to include why its going to be good. just saying its going to be good doesnt really help much. also important to keep in mind that everyone has opinions and most of the time yours is wrong :P
for real though, say why its good without spoilers. if its being picked up from some other tl'er and its lacking in chapters leaving you not much to go on say why you think it will be good based on whats there so far. alternatively if you can read the raws you might want to mention that just to avoid an instance where ppl think youre entire review is based on 20 tl'd chapters.
. just ignore my 'review' then.
bandicoot879 Well it definitely seems that you're the one being angry. As for my reasons for telling you that, the people above said my point perfectly: a comment is not a review and should not be one. Part of this is QI's fault, but another part of it is yours as you shouldn't be reviewing if theres no chapters out.
Frk_ozbk Writing a review when you've read a few chapters is at least better than having a review with 0 chapters read. Hell I'd be fine if the reviewers read even one chapter. With a few chapters you can tell the authors style and tone and tell if the story is going to be a bore or not. However, unless you've read the raws of the book, there should be absolutely no reason to review without a single read chapter.
bandicoot879 I would, but you're giving false ratings unless you're able to read the raws, and even then you have to rate the release pace and the translation quality, which can't be done.
Though your review atleast came after the initial released chapters, if you look on the voting novels, they have many people already reviewing them, giving false ratings.
TargetPractice1 I agree.Because of this ı go NU.ı don't trust review inside this site.But there is a person "@thestatsguy" I like his reviews.
Frk_ozbk Yes, the stats guys reviews are acceptable because they actually tell you something about the story.
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Mute I think it's fair to review the translation speed, however I don't think it should influence the rating of the story. That should be based on the content itself. Like someone else said, you can get an idea of the content from a few chapters, especially if those chapters are hardy. So reviewing a story based on a few chapters should be fair enough, short stories even more so.
Although... are there any short stories on here? I've looked at a few that were complete, they were always in the hundreds of pages in length.
yummyrambutans I'm talking about the people reviewing pre-release, we don't know anything except the synopsis at that point.
I think the OP himself is fine to review the coach novel based off 15 chapters.
yummyrambutans highly doubt there is any short story on any qidian novel, most author just try to get their novel popular so they can release more chapter, after a certain point if their novel is popular enough qidian will start paying them per word if I'm not mistaken. this is how it works on the chinese site.
ı found this.
these are how a review should be in my opinion.
Tugster Lmao the funny thing is the dude was so gullible he went and replied to my comment with "You're not my daddy!"
target practice1 how dare u offend the golden asura!
you are courting death. now grovel beneath me or i'll torture you!
My lord... how old are you? If you are like 12ish then I'm actually sorry if I offended your feelings...
That statsguy make life more convenient. :)
TargetPractice1 His name is literally little boy as well!
Mute Ugh. Those people are a waste of review space.
Mute He didn't review it based off 15 chapters, it was 0 chaptets. He didn't even bother to read it.