Oxy they got patreon and that's only for the translators team they got SS and that's mainly for qidian. I support a few novels on patreon, not this one. Though i was considering doing it. but now not so sure i will. with QI reading novels online is a big business they don't really care about the customers. since they are not increasing quality ofa translations just increasing the price per chapter and amount of chapters. if they want to sell something then said service should be worth what they are charging. say you read or follow 20 novels which all of them release at least 2 chapters per day which this novel does. since the chapters seem to be more costly if they are longer then that means this novels average cost per chapter will be 10-15 SS thats 30 spirit stones for one day for a month that is about 900 SS per month on a single novel so that's $8 for this novel. you might say that's not too bad its only $8 per month. but what happens if you follow 10, 15 or 20+ novels? well for 10 novels thats $80 per month for 20 its about $120 if you buy the bigger packages at 49.99 and another for 19.99 but if you can't afford to buy them in lump sum then you will end up paying about $160 per month which is not really a small amount just for reading a novel online even if you bought the book it would not cost nearly as much. now tell me do you believe QI will really support the translators with all that money they get ?? answer is NO they will only push the translators to put out more chapters faster so they can earn more money so this will in turn make the quality drop. which will in turn lose readership. many will leave the site and read them elsewhere you know there are lots of ways to read pirated works.
so in short i do not support Qidian's Idea of the premium.
if they make an unlimited monthly subscription where you can actually read all the novels you want for a monthly fee. say $19.99 i would buy it. but i will not pay $120+ to read novels per month. plain and simple if they want to make it a business then they need to provide the appropriate service proportional to the cost of said service. until they do that i will simply drop all novels that go premium and not because i can't afford to pay for it but out of principle.
if you are already brainwashed into thinking that this premium will only benefit the translators then well too bad for you.
have a good day guys i am done