Oxy they got patreon and that's only for the translators team they got SS and that's mainly for qidian. I support a few novels on patreon, not this one. Though i was considering doing it. but now not so sure i will. with QI reading novels online is a big business they don't really care about the customers. since they are not increasing quality ofa translations just increasing the price per chapter and amount of chapters. if they want to sell something then said service should be worth what they are charging. say you read or follow 20 novels which all of them release at least 2 chapters per day which this novel does. since the chapters seem to be more costly if they are longer then that means this novels average cost per chapter will be 10-15 SS thats 30 spirit stones for one day for a month that is about 900 SS per month on a single novel so that's $8 for this novel. you might say that's not too bad its only $8 per month. but what happens if you follow 10, 15 or 20+ novels? well for 10 novels thats $80 per month for 20 its about $120 if you buy the bigger packages at 49.99 and another for 19.99 but if you can't afford to buy them in lump sum then you will end up paying about $160 per month which is not really a small amount just for reading a novel online even if you bought the book it would not cost nearly as much. now tell me do you believe QI will really support the translators with all that money they get ?? answer is NO they will only push the translators to put out more chapters faster so they can earn more money so this will in turn make the quality drop. which will in turn lose readership. many will leave the site and read them elsewhere you know there are lots of ways to read pirated works.

so in short i do not support Qidian's Idea of the premium.

if they make an unlimited monthly subscription where you can actually read all the novels you want for a monthly fee. say $19.99 i would buy it. but i will not pay $120+ to read novels per month. plain and simple if they want to make it a business then they need to provide the appropriate service proportional to the cost of said service. until they do that i will simply drop all novels that go premium and not because i can't afford to pay for it but out of principle.

if you are already brainwashed into thinking that this premium will only benefit the translators then well too bad for you.

have a good day guys i am done

    Oxy you say paying per chapter is cheaper??? where you kicked in the head by a donkey or something? failed math class? do the math first then talk please

    They made mistake. QI should start their novels with 7 chapters per week, then incrase it to 14 chapters per week when novel go premium. People would be greatful then.

    Oxy el traductor que traduce de corazon .no pide nada solo lo hace por que le gusta cuando el dinero entra en juego ,se pierde el publico los amigos y se cae en una espiral desendente no es el camino correcto ,cada quien piensa lo que desee pero solo hay un camino.

      jer0055 Why should the answer be NO? We surely support translators, editors, and authors. That's also why we need to go with the Premium system which can easily track how much each Premium title earns per month. Afterwards, we split the whole revenues among all creators including translators, editors, and authors, and only take a portion to support our business. That's what we have been doing in the past 15 years in China. Otherwise how do you imagine so many full-time webnovel authors survive? Now, besides authors, we also hope to give translators and editors a better choice, which will allow them to translate/edit full-time in the long run.

      Frankly, I won't say we don't care about the losses, we do. But we rather care about the whole industry's development and even the whole ecosystem than the loss itself. That's why we introduced the PFF to balance the benefits between creators and readers.

        WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL come on let's be honest here yeah you might share a bit of the revenue but it's a business we novel keeps the bigger share of the pie. Forcing translators to drop quality of translations in order to be faster. And your system is flawed in so many ways. Read per chapter is a rip off considering you want to monopolize bhow translators do their work and releases. You can't just charge per chapter. The juice is not worth the squeeze that way. Not sure how it works in China but in the western part of the world people don't follow that standard. We pay onthñy unlimited subscription s for services such as Netflix Hulu even Amazon prime reading has that option your approachmight work in China but it won't in the USA or most other western countries. You will lose your customer base that way. You need to change and adapt to the wants and needs of the target customers

          Qidian owns the right of the novel and with that they tries to force us to pay to read
          Microsoft owns the right of Microsoft Office and with that they tries to force us to pay for using MS Office?

          Qidian - Seller
          You - Buyer (ofcourse you need to pay)

            deikatsuo Microsoft distributes MO and if you want to use it you will have to pay. From 1985 (Word sometin, their first shet) to 2018 it was like this. Microsoft did not expect to get popular and have thousands of people using its software to then advertise that it would get paid.

            What Qidian made in a few months it was to bring thousands of readers with the promise of well-translated and free books, and then implement a system where if you do not pay you hardly read.
            Not to mention that the system is all malicious, see the number of people who bought during this promotion and only now have discovered that their SS will expire or the people who think if they paid to unlock from chapter XX to chapter YY, when they stop paying they will be able to continue reading from chapter YY onwards with the supposed 7 free chapters per week, when in fact they will have to wait chapter XX to catch chapter YY.

            Can you now understand what I meant by 'tries to force us to pay to read'?

              Currently LOHP has 14ch/wk release rate, so when it becomes premium it remains the same 14ch/wk release rate but only 7 non premium chapters and other 7 is premium chapters, Is that how premium works?
              So, there will be no extra chapters on top of the current release rate but just blocked as premium chapters.

                TheNobleLion Actually I believe pre premium immortal mortal was 27 chaps a week, and it didnt get changed with premium. Not sure if my memory is correct though.

                  WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL No offense, but isn't it a little sad how the representative of an international branch of a company, specifically a company in a business that cares deeply about quality of English and grammar, sucks so much at English? How did you get hired? I swear QI could hire sone random college student in the US paying them minimum wage to replace you and they'd have an easier time getting QI's point across while not sounding really stupid and have broken ass English. Sorry if I'm being harsh, just wondering how in the world you got hired instead of working at 麦当劳 or 送快递.

                    How did I only notice this thread now?

                    I'll start with resolving some misunderstandings first.
                    Once the premium function comes in, the advanced chapters offered on Patreon will have to be removed, which does regrettably lead to a fall in Patreon earnings as that is the greatest appeal of it to subscribers there. We are still allowed to keep our Patreon after the matter, and the main reason why I chose to refund those who want it is because it'll be unfair to subscribers to pay for the March subscription when I can't offer them advanced chapters anymore.

                    Secondly, I do agree with the necessity of the premium system. I think one person we have been conveniently leaving out of the equation of the fan translation community is the authors. Bear with this extreme example, but will J.K. Rowling be willing to allow others to translate Harry Potter books and publish it for, let's say, $50,000 per year? Considering the "longevity" of the books, this $50,000 earning would only sustain for a couple of years at maximum. It is a huge sum of money to us, but for top-notch authors, that kind of royalty is not worthwhile for them, considering their success elsewhere. Furthermore, the publisher, translator, and editor still have to earn a fair bit to make their effort worthwhile. Qidian International has taken on the translation of the books of many famous authors in China, and if it doesn't perform sufficiently, why should they allow QI to do so? Heck, they could look for other companies such as Y******s, stop the translators, and slap on a permanent price wall on it. At the very least, QI still offers a medium for readers to catch up with the translations, and if not, the chapter unlocks itself automatically after some time.

                    Fan translation has only been possible because the author hasn't come into the picture yet. If they wish to, they could easily shut down the community (after all, regardless whether we are profiting from their hard work or not, it is true that they aren't profiting off theirs when they could have been). Otherwise, why would translators approach the companies to establish contracts? Many term that as selling their soul to the devil, but that is what that ensures the longevity of the community.

                    Thirdly, the translators do benefit from this measure as well. Translators of premium books will be given a choice to continue their fixed pay or go ahead with the royalty payout. The royalty payout option will remain open for the translator so if their book were to become popular, they could make the switch. In a sense, this is a guarantee of a minimum pay for the translators. I am not sure about the various aspects concerning editors so I'll skip on that.

                    Also, if I am not mistaken, before the implementation of the purchase of spirit stones, it is already highlighted that bonus spirit stones will expire.

                    Yes, that is how it works. If I could sustain, I would love to translate more chapters and update more quickly as well. However, I am the only translator for Library of Heaven's Path, and I have no intention of sharing my baby with anyone else.

                      I love how nearly every TL & webnovel staff just posts: 'we have no other way and this is the best solution'. Like there is no other price model which could sustain the business or even improve revenue way more than this 'fair' premium model.

                        I have no idea whom you are referring to, but as far as I can see, I don't think any single one of the staff has claimed the current model to be the best solution. I am just answering the issue regarding the necessity of a premium model as compared to one that depends solely on ad revenue. I am not sufficiently knowledgeable in the industry to answer whether a subscription model will work better or not, or anything along those lines, so I have been avoiding commenting on those issues all along.

                        If you are referring to me with your post, I sincerely ask you not to misconstrue my words and shape it to whatever that fits your aim.

                          I love how the translator keep their attitude according to their contract.
                          Of course they will support qidian, they got knife (contract) on their neck.

                          10.5 Non-disparagement.
                          To the extent permitted by law, Translator will not disparage China Reading (including about China Reading products and services, officers, directors, and employees), including not to make any negative statements, reviews, comments, or feedback, whether written or oral, about China Reading, in any manner and forms, including all written or electronic communication (e.g., email, text message, use of Facebook, Twitter, WordPress, WeChat, Weibo, LinkedIn, etc.).

                            im reading 36 novels on QI right now... can someone explain how im supposed to catch up with every novel when i only get like 20-30 SS per day? that isnt going to be enough for even 1 premium novel... i don't even want to think about 4 or 5 premium novels.... so, yea... i guess i will have to look for another site than is reposting the chapters. Spending $5 or more per week isnt going to work for me

                              I also love it when people try to overthrow arguments using bias as a reason.
                              It will be a beautiful sight if people go into the parliament and scream "You are far right, screw your opinions. Everything you say concerns oppression and violence, so you should just keep it zipped", "You are far left, just shut up. There's nothing you say that anyone wants to hear.", "You are neutral, you don't have a legitimate opinion so stay out of this."

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