Dalton_Reutlinger Imagine flying and the diarrhea starts flowing out
Useless but not so useless super powers
PrincessDustbunny Humurous because I want my MC to have a fake persona. Everyone would think he's this omnipotent god who could end a battle with a mere punch, but in truth, he calculated everything in the fight just to defeat his enemy with his Super Strength that only lasts for a fraction of a second. While everyone is at awe, my MC would be resting since he fried his brain by over calculating every fight.
VinixxVidixxVici This is pretty good if the protagonist can control it in a whim. Otherwise it would just slowly sap his sanity.
Dalton_Reutlinger So this guy, basically.
The ability to never get intoxicated, but alcohol tastes and smells like puppy poo
Dalton_Reutlinger Why would I want to drink alcohol but not want to get toxicated ?
Krizantem You avoid the migraine later on.
ability to remain awake but only works when tired.
darkneblade Well if that isn't me already
Ability to open any door but only if the door is unlocked.
GegeSadewa Useful if the door is too heavy
The ability immobilize anyone, but you are also immobilized.
The ability to see into the future, but you are frozen for the amount of time ahead you see.
The ability to see into the future, but you get imperfect information/can’t a control what you see. An example would be seeing that someone dies without seeing how they die or who kills them.
The ability to see into the past.
The ability to change others perceptions. That way they could think you are strong when you are not really. The drawback would be that you couldn’t actually do anything with your powers. You just change what people think they saw.
The ability to reverse time, but you can’t change it when it goes forward again.
Immortality but only when you want to die. Happiness is your bane.