Or let's put it a different way: most romances are cheap. A dollar can get you 20-25 chapters...which you can read on the way to woek or school (if you're on transit) or during a lunch break. A dollar...when girls usually spend a lot more than that just for a tube of lipstick or mascara...
why is romance taking over ?
Erm, it not about the romance. It picked by the editors and not the readers:X Some romance stories actually have no romances at all and there are only like 10 chapters too.
Avidfan oicic. Wow, ten chapters and got picked up? Wow!!
I write romance, and I'm not offended.
Webnovel was once a refugee for Eastern cultivation and system type novels, with some Asian historical romance as a side dish. Then, contemporary romance invaded, with authors coming from other parts of the world (me being one of these), from other platforms... etc.
The only difference from Wattpad now is that we can find some Eastern Fantasy here. It's still relevant but losing its space.
When I say I write a novel, and people ask where, they often comment... 'Ah, the other Wattpad.'
Webnovel's losing (or rebranding) its identity to something else.
The old public is trying to make themselves heard.
Are the authors to be blamed? No. Nor the readers.
But I don't think it's wrong to wish to get back some of what made Webnovel relevant in the past, though.
- Edited
Yea, you can pick up the app and tap on the features. Some have very short chapters. Some even have less than 10 power stones. I even saw one with 2 power stone. As long as the editor likes your story, you can get feature.
I write romance books too but at time I believe that Romance should take a back seat in your book when it's needed having excessive scenes can make the book look the same ,I usually like blend of a lot of genres but the fact why most people go for romance is maybe the fact that people like that feeling that itself is attached to the word idk. Sci-fic although very creative but not something that can be easily imagined for oneself which is with the romance genre a lot of people find it relatable or something close to their fantasy of sort. Although that doesn't mean that it should be having a priority because every genre writer is working equally hard. With some out of the world and speechless ideas.
NoWoRRyMaN me too. Last feature was 2 months ago, it didn't even covered my MGS properly.
But, what do we know, right?
Ah I got what you mean. I honestly have never tried to read books that are featured. I tend to search based on the genre that I want to read instead of seeing the featured novels.