Had some arguments with some guys where the novel is about some guy raping underage girls with massive c*cks. They justify its okay cuz its a work of fiction, and people who complain about it are worse than vegans, but what can you say? Is it justifiable?

    CacackleLasson not at all. I haven’t read the work myself, but I’m assuming it’s not written in a way that calls out such behaviour as the disgusting thing it is, but rather that it is written in a way that endorses such behaviour. In my opinion, that’s repulsive.

    If they have to use the argument that it’s just fiction, it means that they do not use the scene to, for example, bring fear or revulsion to the reader because the characters live in a society that allows such things to happen. And even then... You sometimes see women raped in movies, for ‘historical accuracy’. But then the women are all clean-shaven, have unblemished skin, have no bad teeth whatsoever, they clearly bathe regularly, and their bodies are set to the contemporary beauty standards. So are you really going for historical accuracy? Or did you just want to see someone get raped?

    ‘But it’s just fiction’ Really? Do you not realise how much it influences your readers? How it shows them: look this is alright. We even wrote it in a way that it may be arousing to you.

    It’s appalling.

    Then you’ve got the writers who write it as part of their story for the purpose of character building and world building.

    So here’s a thought exercise for those writers:

    You’re writing a rape scene. A woman gets brutally raped by a monstrous male character in one scene in your book. It’s scandalizing. It’s disturbing. It’s graphic. People are going to talk about this.

    Okay. Now substitute another sex crime in its place – say, pedophilia.

    Now instead of raping a weeping young woman, your Extremely Bad Dude is now raping a terrified six year old boy.

    Does it still feel like it deserves to be there?

    To use the usual fictional rape apologist arguments, there’s no reason this scene shouldn’t exist. Child rape exists, and no doubt happens in times of war. It probably happens even more in third world countries that are at war. Historically speaking, I’m sure there have been thousands of child rapes since the dawn of humanity. Maybe millions.

    Practically speaking, it would be remiss not to include a child rape scene or two, right? It happens. We must be truthful to reality. It’s our duty. Or, wait – is it possible you’re using this horrific, degrading, monstrous act as window dressing?

    That’s why a lot of people feature rape scenes, it seems. “This is a very bad dude,” a writer might say, “and I need to prove it to the audience.” And the audience might say, “Yes, that character WOULD do that. That’s absolutely in line with their nature.” And so they’re fine with it.

    Or maybe the writer just wants to signal to the reader that this world is extra, super-duper grim and gritty. The audience would then say, “Well, that’s the world this story’s set in. It’s monstrous and brutal. But them’s the shakes.” And so they’re fine with it. (This is basically adding ambiance to the story. “Let’s throw a little rape in the background,” the writer thinks, “so people get the picture.”)

    But while audiences seem willing to sit and watch a young woman get raped to make these points, raping a six year old boy suddenly seems… excessive, right? It’s way over the line. No one wants to watch a sobbing child get sexually violated. So why are we willing to sit and watch one awful sex crime but not the other?

    I hope this got my point across. Rape gets trivialized in the real world. It’s frequently hushed up or waved off. The victims are forgotten. So those writers need to think long and hard about why they’re including it in their book. To use such a monstrous act as window dressing is to trivialize it further.

    No, I dont think its okay. But they can write whatever they want, the same with we can read whatever we want. But the problem is, would there any deterrant to it or not? Perhaps writing something bad could put the writer into problem, the same with reading something not good could put the reader into bad position?

      There's works like that here?! No. Fiction doesn't make a writer immune to the legal system. That's why there's so much effort (in some places) to content moderate.
      This kind of scenario can be a grounds for legal action if the act is to arouse and promote.

      Lol, pedophilia is legal, but incest is banned because it's immoral, unethical, and disguising.
      And this is Webnovel.

        If u dl the app from the USA, the European Union or Singapore, you can actually sue Webnovel for that.

          Just look at AO3 (Archive of our own) and tell me about it

            7 days later

            MissCringeyAuthor in this website, it is so legal. They allow child rape, and they have a supporting audience. I tired to report them, but it's useless.

              EroJaki From my understanding, although it is not banned, such novels will never be contracted as it has controversial content. Novels with incest and underage rape fall within that.

              However, that may have changed now as all new books require to go through a vetting system before it can be published. Then again, it's not like one would really post such controversial content in the first chapter itself ... /shrugs

                Avidfan Then perhaps the controversial content came after the contract was concluded or the person-in-charge didn't review the book properly. I doubt such books would pass now, and/or if complained about, it would most likely be removed.

                Pure speculation though.

                  AHAHAHAHA ... considering one would normally have to search for such novels (since it's usually CEO novels being out in front), one then wonders (not) about the novels you come across to come to that impression.


                    Smut is ok with proper characters age but I don't like rape novels... I think its too insensitive to those who are real victims of rape. It is as if the author is mocking them by romanticizing it. -_-//

                    Avidfan Hahaha well I've been reading the wrong books on this site lol. The most explicit story I've read here is my own orz.

                    But yeah I don't know about other contracted authors but before I got contracted (this is before the vetting stuff btw) my current editor contacted me to discuss my story and she did actually read it and told me about the importance of not having controversial content in it etc. Maybe it's just that some editors are more slack who knows.

                      Everyone's made all the good arguments here lol. I also just want to jump on all of that and say- people gotta tag and forewarn that shit if they're going to write stuff like that as well. Like, it doesn't make the whole thing okay obviously but it certainly helps protect the people who may get triggered etc to avoid that stuff.

                      ...Of course there are also readers who don't read tags or author's notes/warnings and I gotta say, that's a little on them in that case lol.

                        Ok, everyone here has made valid points, but I have to ask: what exactly do you mean by child pirn? Do you mean under 12? Over 14 but under 18? Cause technically that's all under the same category. And I'm not gonna try and justify rape, that's wrong, period, nor am I saying it's good to show kids having ... such interactions under the age of consent.

                        But at the same time ... I have something similar in my story. I try to emulate real life society and well, where I'm from it's common to uhhh ... graduate when you're in high school and usually it's under age of consent (16). Like, people I've known, went to school with, even me personally, it's all ... Y'know. And I try to show that in my story. The MC has his 14th birthday and ... graduates (flashback in a side chapter). A friend of his sister who is 14 also is going through that phase where she's trying to explore herself and makes out with her girlfriend. Technically, this is all child porn; it's interaction/s about someone/s who is/are under 16 or 18 but I'm not doing it for the sake of porn, it's trying to add some realism to teenage characters.

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