Does anyone actually signed a contract with Webnovel? If so what is it like? Do they force you to finish your works? Is there a timeline in which you should update your work? How are you paid? Do you pay them of your story doesnt get enough views? Help.

- Mar 25, 2021
- Joined Oct 15, 2020
SrtaA Thank you!!
Hi hello! I would just like to ask if theres some kind of fee when ypur book has been invited to form a contract? Im broke as hell and I dont have any money to pay for a contract. But the webnovel invited me to form a contract with them with my book. I would just like to ask if theres some payment I need to pay before signing the contract or nah? I would love to know yojr opinion about my story! Good or bad. Thank u so.much in advance.
RJMidnight Thank you very much!
poziomowiec ohhh. Thank you very much
Anyone know why my votes in my story disappear? Is it normal? @WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL
Hi, I wanted to know if people here are accustomed in reading a story on a third person point of view? And what are your thoughts in writing a novel in 3rd person POV? Is it weird?
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Well... Having two protagonist without any connection with each other is quite rare, usually either the female become the male lead's leading lady. If you decide to have two protagonist without connection then it would be quite hard to devide equal attention to both lf them. :)
How do you know that your novel doesnt receive powerstone???
Guy... What is a powerstone? And how would you know if your story doesnt receive powerstone?
From one author to another I would like to ask if you write a plot of your story before publishing it here on webnovel or you just go with the flow in whatever your mind create?
Im new here at webnovel, and my knowledge about this platform is pretty much zero to none. I was wondering what is collection? Like when you write your book and theres collection on the side? What does it do?
chameleonthebutler Happy to help!
Tinalynge Thank you so much for sharing this info! Haha. More power to us authors! Haha.
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Tinalynge Thank you so much for your insight! I never knew that it could be that expensive. I thought that if you get enough readers that your novel could possibly be picked up by comic creators. Haha.
Congrats on your comics by the way! More power to you. How about payment? How does your payment usual go? It is base on readers or votes?
And how about here at Webnovel? Ow much do writers usual make?
Sorry if its an uncomfortable question, Im just genuinely curious. Hehe.
I think I'll stick to novel writing for now. Haha.
Try logging in on your desktop and logged out of your account on your phone. Then refreshed your page on your desktop and and log in again on your phone. Hehe. Thats what I did.
Dyrem Really? Thats a unique way to write. Maybe I'll try that method sometimes.
SG2905 Ohh, thats quite a headache. Haha. I tried working with a lot of stories at the same time but ended up just confused at all of my plot.
Hello! My name is Cringe, for me it takes me about 6-10hrs just to write a whole chapter with 1.5k words. Thats why I usually update every other day or sometimes once a week. Haha. How about you? How long does it usually take you?
PS: same, english is not my first language. Sometimes I do find it hard to search for the right english words to use in my story.