HotRedFlaming I guess that the first type of story doesn't do really well here, which is unfortunate for me, haha. Most of my ideas are quite original and not cliched at all, but after noticing this trend I've come up with a couple of ideas for some system novels; maybe through those I can garner some attention for my other works. Who knows. But as long as someone's reading my work, I don't really care how many. (Also, maybe eventually I'll have uploaded a work with so many chapters for free that it'll be noticed, even if it's not a cliche. Who could resist a deal like that? XD)

You should post your stories in different sites like scribble hub, royal road etc.
For a developing author needed most is exposure and website (algorithm) also need to like you but that is a different story. All you can do is try.

This does not look like legit. Frankly I want to say it is a scam but don't know. What I know that there are no free lunches in this world. If, post (info) looks too good to be true then consider it as a scam.
Please do not prey on people weakness and you can live(and earn) as an animal or normal human but that is your choice.

    Fern_is_Plant I'm not sure if you're referring to me but i just wanna say, I'm not being prideful in this context nor I'm implying my work is a masterpiece. I'm just saying that my thought-out story (because I did for nearly a month) did less than my other story that I just thought in a whim. (When i was watching hentai on my room that night)

    I would accept what u said if I was comparing myself with other authors but I'm just doing it with myself and I'm not even undermining anyone.

      Thats because wn is not for serious reading. Its akin to a junk food store that everyone goes when you're hungry. I assume the latter of what you wrote was smut based on what you said and the former has world building stuff and somewhat unique. But people want fast paced and cliche here, instant gratification. If you are gonna write the gratification at the end of your 100th chapter then no one is gonna stay for that long.

        So, I gotta say I disagree with a lot of what's posted in here. My story literally flips many tropes (because what you call a cliche is more than likely a trope, by definition) on their head, intentionally. I have no smut, to boot. The fact is that I see this as a site where proper grammar and literary skill trumps story. I've seen dozens of books with atrocious writing skills have as many views with 40 chapters and months of uptime as my story with just over a day and only 7 chapters.

        If you take time, and write with pride, I'm sure your novel will soar above and beyond the status quo, IMHO. If you put as much love into your book as you want it to receive, you will be pleasantly surprised!

          Alpha_Medic Ye, but this is just me sharing my experience, that my smut story over took my serious one. I think casual may also have a point, but I see yours too.

            HotRedFlaming I can understand that, to a degree. But, and take this for what you will, I want to offer some advice from writing for a long time: Take pride in your work, even if you are afraid it won't go over well. I sincerely believe that if a writer has pride in what they've written, it will show. I see a lot of stories on this site where I read comments/reviews/replies from the writer that imply they aren't 100% satisfied with their story. Those are the same stories that I notice are not doing so well, when compared to others.

            It's a small thing, and I might be entirely wrong. But if you don't like your story, odds are that nobody else will, either.

            HotRedFlaming quick reply cuz Im on the phone. Checked the first chapter of your new story. Its beyond awful. Not even the plot as i was repulsed by the very first paragraph. What you fail to understand here is that neither of your novels did any good. Your smut novel just lured people with cover and title, and smut doesn't get co tracts either way.

            I could write a lot more to soften this or to elavorate, but as I said, I'm on the phone. Write whatever, daily. Read a lot. Those two things will helo you improve. Because right now, your novels effectively ends within first 3 sentences.

              MotivatedSloth I see, As I said the smut was something that I wrote without much planning. In reality I was just experimenting and see how it could go. So even I could say it was awful. But could you elaborate how but I did with my other novels?

                HotRedFlaming Decided to check in before I drifted off to sleep. Ignore the asshole who is dissing your work while displaying their poor grammar and punctuation. They claim they are so much better, but they can't even reply to a forum comment with decent literary skills, so I doubt they have much in the way of presence in the community itself. Contracts aren't important. We aren't here to make money (at least, I hope not), we are here to share our gifts with others and bring happiness to our readers.

                  Alpha_Medic Though I can't help but agree with him that my opening sucks. But thus far no one has uncollected them yet and for one day I got decent collections. So I could only take a grains of salt of what he said and I don't intend to take his opinion objectively true because these are just his views. It could be trash on ones eyes and a decent read for the other.(nothing I can do about it) But I just wanted to point out that my smut has no serious plotting and follows the storyline of many hentais that you can see. So I was brainless when I wrote those, lol.

                  As for my other novels, some people said my work is good. And if he calls my work trash thats his opinion. But I can be sensitive sometimes and lose my motivation in writing all together. I just hope this doesnt evolve into a huge argument.

                    Don't be discouraged by that. Even if your novel which you spent a month planning isn't doing well. Continue writing it and apply for a contract (that is if you're willing to sign away your rights to it in exchange of promotion and royalties). If the content editor found value in your work, they will send you one and if you choose to sign, they will immediately put your story at the front page, exposing you to readers that will surely try and pick your novel up.

                    Well, that's the only way for your novel to get more exposure that was seemingly missed by most during your initial writing.

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