I can give free review
Tell me what you think @lone star
Daoist97tfu KENTARO12100 GoddessOfDarkness KristineElias midnight_bloom @CacackleLasson
Thank You for your time and hard work. Much appreciated, would you like to read my project and review it?
Why the diss tag?
I would appreciate if you tried mine. Thanks!
CacackleLasson Hello. It would be nice if you can review my novel. Hehe.
CacackleLasson As a new author to Webnovel, a review would be much appreciated!
My story is a sci-fi meets fantasy genre mix with an Isekai take. It isn't long, so far, and shouldn't take long to read. I look forward to your honest review!
Would appreciate it ;) As a new here... ;)
Will be grateful for any comments, suggestions...
Dam theres too many lol
CacackleLasson No worries. I see that you've got a lot on your plate, so go ahead and skip mine. Thank you for the offer to give a review in the first place, though! It showed a lot of consideration for the community, and it's much appreciated! :)
You can have @/yaoyueyi lock your post so no one can add anymore.
CacackleLasson don't know if you'd have the time though, but here.
if I may take little of your time:
Although, I understand that you already have enough. I hope I made the cut :> much appreciations!
CacackleLasson https://dynamic.webnovel.com/book/18360709105364705?utm_source=writerShare&utm_campaign=4314475840 I just started please let me know what you think
Dark_Scholars I think I have seen your work somewhere but forgot to add it to my library. Your premise is unique. I'll be sure to check it out.
Dark_Scholars I think I have seen your work somewhere but forgot to add it to my library. Your premise is unique. I'll be sure to check it out.
CacackleLasson I would be glad if you do that. Here's my novel's link- https://www.webnovel.com/book/15773867305908305
CacackleLasson You may try this one!
If you can try mine, I'd really appreciate it
RJMidnight ohh im new i didnt know could u send a link?