GegeSadewa i just watched the ova in KissAnime when it was still exists. Good childhood memories ....
Anyone else dislikes the majority of current harem novels? Cause I do.
Carciphones_02 haha, anime that is not really for kids but become childhood memory?
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GegeSadewa Are you sure about that? ( Insert John Cena meme here )
Just playin’! JUST PLAYIN’!
Cuddles_Sempai13 well...... adult kid are already exist, so why not adult child too.....
But to me its more fitting of teenage memory instead of childhood.
GegeSadewa I get chu, my dude (or sis)...
The worst novel plots for me is transmigration when the girl gets transmigrated into another world, they realize that they have been transmigrated immediately, there is no element of shock, disbelief or them trying to go back to their world, it annoys me how they quickly understand what had happened when in reality, no one will be able to believe that the got transmigrated into another world, and the most annoying part is when they understand the memory of the body they have taken, I feel like authors should put themselves into the character's shoes and try to be realistic sometimes.
prettydimple Well, my opinion about MC who did not act what real person would do when they met such situation, there are two ; one, if I'm looking for a story thats reasonable realistic, then I would feel upset. Two, if I'm just looking for stuff to read, especially fiction that is not representably of reality, I would not mind since those are mostly portray of characters that is out of this world normal occurences.
So it all come down into what we are really looking for and what we are hope for/what we want to get from a story. If we dont like a story, I guess its time for us to move on and look for other acceptable story.
GegeSadewa I agree with your point but there are times when things should make sense and when they shouldn't, such stories should at least take at least two or three days for the MC to understand but they understand as soon as they wake up, it is not even about reality but sense, but yeah....if you don't like it the novel
then move on.
GegeSadewa well.. in my home, in other to watch anime, I usually search through youtube. And I don't really know what echhi means that time, but the world god only knows is one of the few animes I really like. Seconds to that is bimbougami ga. the only two anime that bring me to this world.
prettydimple I agree with you. At first, I really like this kind of plot. But, after a long time, I feel like this kind of thing is overused. The plot can be too rushed, especially if it was a manga. Most novel too... So, I've been searching for transmigration story that's different. But, it was not enough, because I don't have any interest in romance(harem and the like). So, after a very long time of searching and feeling unsatisfied, I've started to write my own story. Things has been going great, at Least for me... Wahhahahahahaha...
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Carciphones_02 Yeah, luckily we could find some anime to watch on youtube. And with youtube policy, the most we could get is echhi and not straight up hentai/porn. That at least perhaps reasonable enough for kids.
prettydimple Hmmm, we do sometimes found some story that we like (at the start) but along the way we also found some part of it that we dont like, it make upset, even wondering why it could happen/why it changes into something different like that, etc. I think because every story author is also human, they also have their own life and problem and sometimes those could affect and/or change the story that they are making. Its good if they could make it better, but also a pity if its not. We can only hope for the best, or try to make our own best.
GegeSadewa True!!! I've always feels like that whenever I read manhwa or manhua. At first, I really like the synopsis and the original Idea,or the plot. But, after many chapters around 40-60 like that, the plot started to become not what I expected. I guess, I just put my expectations too high, but, the comic is still good, It's just not as good as the first time I read it. The reason could be because the villain can be too stupid, and it could be because the MC moral is not in line with my moral. I can't force the author to change the plot, but I can't also change my moral to continue enjoying the comic either so, I chose to stop reading it.
Carciphones_02 well, maybe we could try to make/write our own story? That way we could get a story that fit with us.
It's been said that 'the story that you can't find is the one you should write.'
GegeSadewa I've already done that!!! Wahahahahahah I've published three books despite the slow updates, at least a new step has been taken.⁽⁽ଘ( ˊᵕˋ )ଓ⁾⁾
Carciphones_02 what's the main genre? Let me guess after checking on those 3.....
Romance and Yuri/Shoujo-Ai ?
Well, I like Yuri/Shoujo-Ai.
But my like to Romance are the same with my love to Harem (that means its hard to find the matching for me)
GegeSadewa same for me too... I actually like fantasy genre the most. Added with some western and eastern taste in my novel and also yuri and shoujo ai, of course this kind of novel will be hard too find.
You should tey to write one too based on your interest!! ⁽⁽◝( •௰• )◜⁾⁾
Carciphones_02 Haha, yeah. Long ago I already tried to write. But my fantasy and imagination run alot faster than I could write, eventually I choose to just read and keep on reading to perhaps if Im lucky to find what Im looking for.
GegeSadewa I feel you ....
(๑´•.̫ • `๑)
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Hello everyone who commented on my thread, thanks for you input. I appreciate and value all views on this topic.
To clarify, my post is talking about the current trend of harem novels and not the genre harem itself. I recognize, as many of you pointed out, harem is very much real and present in many people and culture's life. In this post, I am not stating that harem are wrong or right, I am only throwing out my own personal opinion of how harem are being written in so many many many many eastern fantasy action/adventure male MC novels.
My thoughts on harem in these novels are as I stated before, I don't like them and whenever I find out a novel has a harem in it, I usually 95% of the time avoid it because of my past experiences with it being horrible and having my story ruin. In addition to my Battle Through the Heaven example of how harem ruins the story and MC's purpose in the story, here are two other popular novels where harem ruined it for me.
Dragon Marked War God: I really liked the story and the cheat skill of MC. He was really smart and powerful in leveling up his strength. I liked how he 'knew' himself and retained his mature mindset in that he has lived for so many years previously already and so he is not driven mad by the common desires for things like fame, lust, etc. Therefore he only go together with one girl BUT BUT then he fights a mask girl on a journey and rips her face mask. The girl then tells him in a similar manner "No one has ever seen my face before. I have vowed that whoever has seen my face will be who I marry. Therefore you must marry me or kill me." MC is a righteous guy so he decides to get together with another woman despite being married already. MOREOVER, he didn't even consult with his wife and just made this decision alone. This plot made the MC feel different (not in the sense that he grew but that the author just wanted to push another goddess, strong, beautiful, etc. female to be with the mc because the beautiful goddess strong first wife wasn't enough I guess for such a mc. But like is this really how a reincarnated mc is suppose to react to these situation? He lived over thousands of years and reached the top of cultivation world to be reincarnated to be 'forced' into marry a girl just because he saw her face and she said so??? (keep in mind that at this point, the MC doesn't even like her. Literally just meet and saw her. Plus he is still loyal to first wife and has previously stated that he will ONLY have one love in his life ...... but then agrees to marry this strange woman he met just because he saw her face and she says so ..... doesn't make MC seem like a reincarnated top cultivator at all .....
(Also slight spoiler but I dropped this already but on the wikia page and spoilers I read that MC upon going to the heaven world gets together with like 4 other girls in addition to his 2. So in the end he has a 6+ harem .... so much for his beginning faithful one person lover statement I guess.
Charm of Soul Pet: There are better novel to showcase examples of how harem ruins a story but since I just recently finished this novel, I will talk about it. My problem with this novel's harem isn't that big but still WHY HAREM!!!! I read this novel expecting that there would be no harem! Why did I expect this, well, because the MC stated that he is a rightoues guy and only wants to have one person and one person only. Even throughout the novel when he meets beautiful goddess like girls, he states that they are indeed beautiful and he as a guy is tempted (which I appreciate the realism here rather than making him a saint in that he has no lust at all for others) he always decides to distance himself since he already has a lover. HOWEVER !!!!!! About 1300 chapters in the novel, author starts to show more and more sign of him getting together with another woman. Granted that this woman has been with him since the beginning and has played an important part in his whole journey BUT WHY? Why must MC get together with her just because of that. MC is already happily married to another woman and has resisted temptation from so so so many others and yet 80% into the novel author throws in MC to start having feelings for this woman. I get that there has always been sparks but that spark has died long ago since he got together and vowed to be with his one and only wife, but not that spark is back? Like seriously .... why did you have to go and change my MC's character like that. What happened to all his talk of "I only love her and in this life I will only love her!" What happened to fighting the entire world just to be with her? I mean seriously, why did the author change the MC's faithfulness to one person to suddenly having two now? Also when the first wife finds out she just happily accepts the other woman and they become sisters to share MC now. First wife's reasoning is that "Well, I know that she has always been around you and she truly cares for you, so I accept it." BS!!!
Let's reverse this, if a guy was to be around the first wife constantly and truly cares for her will MC let her be with him too? Or would he say well situation is different because you are already in a relationship with me ... but like isn't he in a relationship with her too when he got together with second girl? Like .... double standard and putting woman lower than man here much? This is part of what I don't like about harem. Guys in relationship, totally fine and normal to pick up more chicks. A girl in a relationship, NO WAY! NEVER! can they just pick up another guy? Why though, I don't see the difference in their situations here.
Anyways this is the reason I don't like harem, it just anger's me how unfair and disruptive it is to the MC's character and plot. (Now if MC was always protrayed as a lustful guy and didn't have qualms about having more than one wife, harems are fine since it fits his character setting. But to have a faithful guy who has sworn his heart to only one woman suddenly have two or four or ten or more woman at the end .... it makes me wonder, there has got to be a big reason like he knocked his head really hard somewhere and changed his thinking or something because I don't get how he went from this to that.)
P.S Still angry about Battle through the Heaven's harem plot. Seriously!!! MC's entire reason for starting his journey was to be strong enough to get together with childhood friend BUT then when he meets her he already slept (rape due to craze cultivation state) and got together with another woman (however just not any woman but the most beautiful queen of the snake people Medusa). AND girlfriend who's clan is literally like one of the most powerful in the world just laughs it off and pinches him a bit and pouts and then they hug and everything is good now. Time to fight the big bad guy. Like .... author you just destoryed the MC's entire purpose of why he started the journey. Like is his childhood friend who has looks, wealth, power, literally everything going to just lightly laugh at MC and pinch him when she learns he already has another woman already in the years apart since they've last seen each other. (Oh and that the MC punches and kills anyone who dares to even look at her with lust, that's fair right. He get's another woman and the price is a light pinch, while a guy looks at his childhood friend and he kills him. Fair relationship right?)
Anyways, that's my thought on harem. Harem itself is not right nor wrong but the way authors have put it in many of the popular books I've read have just been horrible and that is why I usually steer clear of it.