Oxy Are you QI employee? I saw you a lot on the forum and you always defend QIDIAN.then I clicked your profile and wanted to see your replies and almost all of you replies are like this.

    Frk_ozbk seriously he goes above and beyond like a loyal dog ready to bark

      litarius ı am not talking about his/her reply in this post I am talking about all of his/her replies.ı encountered him/her 5-6 times and all of him/her replies like he/her is a die-hard fan.He/she is protecting QI like he/she is protecting own son.

        GregLuck Ugh we've literally had a conversation about why your review was removed and now you're spouting this random crap lmao
        Oxy is only defending Qidian from idiots like you facepalm

        Frk_ozbk I just finished looking at his/her history, and from what I saw, it genuinely looks like they are giving logical responses rather than bias responses. Just because they tend to agree with Qidian does not mean he or she like a them, just being unbias.

          Frk_ozbk Oxy's a great guy, trust me. He also disagrees with some of Qi's actions, like everyone else, however, he does tend to get annoyed when people call Qi corrupt just because they're trying to make a profitable business. He mostly blames it on the bad PR...

            Frk_ozbk No, no I wasn't pinning anything down on you, I was just explaining him. Don't worry, I wasn't accusing you anything :smile:

              litarius you don't understand :D ı am talking about in all of his replies he is always defending QI ı don't care he is right or not right :D that is why ı said

              Frk_ozbk Are you QI employee?

                :sob: <--- tears of joy

                It's always great to see these scenes of reconciliation on the forums

                Oxy Qidian foot lettuce, the last thing you would like to find in your Qidian lettuce is a foot

                  Beyond_Namez Here’s a helpful guide:
                  Write a review that has nothing to do with the story but rate it 5 stars, it’ll be kept.

                  Write a review that has nothing to do with the story or is critical and rate it 1 star and it’ll be deleted for sure.

                  Also, I am defending the translators under QI (the good ones anyways). As for QI, people need to see that it is a business, and not a from fans for fans kind of group.

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