Fuhrer 300 000 words is equivalent to 1500 ss (~25$). That give as 100-200 chapters.

    4 days later

    Anywy, dont you guys think that the price is a little bit expensive? Lets count, i read 4 premium novel and i need around 60 ss each day, i can get the free ss for 30 ss each day so i need 30 ss more each day which is will be 900 ss each month. And how much will it cost? 20 usd....
    20 usd pee month, and tht price is as expensive as my netflix account..which allow me to watch any netflix series, that i believe have more production cost than this novel

    So i hope qidian can give more thought about this, or at least increase the way to get free ss, increase the ads is okay, as long as we can read it for free


    Ps : yea, this is my second account so i can got more free ss to read my beloved novel. Cheers!

      Axzile gosh, I noticed that too. The more you read further, the higher spirit stones required. If they will do this to all novels then there will come a time when they get less and less readers. It's getting heavy for my pocket...😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

        Kantisett Hear hear! I've been also debating as to why the premium chapters of some novels go far as 14 to 18ss each. I mean, even without the premium, we get 1 chap a day on some of the novels. And not to mention, if they do a mass release and you need to spend that much amount everytime, I'd be broke.

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          bugmum True and could you just imagine how many readers they get. Say the novel gets 30 readers and they all used their spirit stones to buy the chapters, that's 30 Times $20 already. Too expensive.

            They would not release chapters willy nilly, they need you to keep coming back every day so.... novels will be dragged out as much as possible. That's why even if you pay premium you still have to wait for chapters to be released 2 or 3 at a time (if you're lucky) and have log in every day.

              Premium novels are fine, but the promise was that they would have premium but chapters would become free again once they were old (week or two) or at least tha was the original idea. Now they are just sniping the most popular novels and slapping premium on. Almost makes me want to send power stones to the books I hate just so that the good books don't get locked away.

              Honestly just really want a subscription service instead of this dumb stone garbage, let me pay $10-20 a month and then leave me alone to read the novels.

                LongSongGolden But isn't it more fun to use real moneys to buy magic moneys to buy individual chapters of releases that may or may not fluctuate both in the price in magic moneys and the frequency of actual chapters. So you can work out how much magic moneys you need, before the magic moneys magically evaporate into thin air. You can add all the free magic moneys you get with the magic moneys you pay with real moneys over a 70 day period and work out per chapter how much you pay in real moneys based on the cost of magic moneys.

                That doesn't sound needlessly convoluted and confusing at all... Real Buyer Friendly...

                One thing you can do is read the novel in batches. It will save you a lot of SS because only last to chapter are normally locked

                  My biggest problem with premium is that once you start paying for chapters, you can't stop because you won't get one free chapter a day any longer until the free ones catch up to where you last paid for. If QI starts throwing more and more of these novels under that pay wall then a flat subscription would've been a better idea.

                    Outrageous indeed!!! The Price just keep piling up and the expiry date is getting smaller too

                      The expiration date isn't that big of a deal. It just keeps you from stockpiling spirit stones for future use. It's just that the price to read a novel from start to finish assuming every chapter was premium would be somewhere around 200$ which is not a price I'm willing to pay for reading novels.

                      I like and support the new premium system. Translators and hosts have to earn money

                        Kantisett they were trying to make system. Its like, they pay translator and they need money and the prems are supplying them.

                        Well, if you are an avid fan of a novel from the start. I mean QI is not yet started, how much money you could donate to the translators who will do fast pace chapters.
                        They were like 25-75$ per chapter. And I saw once who donated a whole 10 chapter cost who release it in just one day.
                        Its just that my point is, there are people who are crazy to buy it.

                        Like the most people say here when you read a novel,

                        "I need MORE".

                          hongkongmooey Is that an actual thing where you buy a chapter once from one fuckin book and then you have to pay for ever and ever ?

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