Has the website glitched out or is this an intentional new look?
Because I kinda hate it.

All the books in the library no longer show the chapter count, and I can't seem to figure out how to go back to the library from the chapter I'm reading... and it's just gone back to normal, thankfully :P

This wasn't a trial run of a new look was it? because from the little I saw I wasn't a fan.

EDIT: Seems we are being redirected to the mobile site on logging in. You can either remove the .m in the website address or just directly go to: https://www.webnovel.com/library to fix the issue.

    Yea. Not being able to tell which stories have new chapters anymore is such a huge negative that I'm amazed webnovel even removed it. I would also be fine with the layout if they had kept the books in my library as the first thing I see when I go to the homepage. Now whenever I go there, I feel lost for a few seconds until I realize I have to click the library tab. Just what were they thinking?

      Agreed, this sucks.

      1) The proportions are horrible (some things are too big and others are too small). Like the library and any comics feel way too zoomed in, while the little navigation stuff remaining is way too big. 2) Navigating to what you want is no longer easy 3) We lost our ability to see as much information about books as easily. This includes, but is not limited to losing our ability to see the current chapter amount/what chapter we are on from the library and losing our ability to see if we already have a book in our library. 4) I am not sure how we even are supposed to add things to our library any more.

      Frankly, I can deal with many of these changes to read certain books I enjoy, but if they keep this (especially without an explanation of how to move around this new website), then I am way less likely going to be reading newer books they may post. I really hate that a lot of companies have been "updating" their websites to a more "fresh" look, but by doing so they lose the practicality of the old system. Please Webnovel, don't be like the others, either return to the old website or at least give us a different one that remains practical.

        Using that app UI for the website is a very bad idea!!!
        How do I tell wich novel was updated ? The chapter count ? Why remove the shortcuts from the header?
        Seriously, the navigation is made much harder now!!!
        Tell me it was a mistake and revert it back, thanks !!!

        They are intentionally doing a poor job to make us download the app. If not, they should ask their money back because the site is worse than ever before.

          Evander That can't be, forcing your client base from one platform to another would be a bad business decision, as you are certain to loose some of them! But the new UI is so bad, your question is almost legitimate!

          Nice, it seems to be basically back to normal(with only changes that I do not care about). I guess it was just a mistake on their part.

            I just hope that the "Point" that appears near the Chapter Count, if there is a Update still exists.

              Daoist_Sponge In my case there was. There was m.Webnovel.com and i looked like the App Design. After i deleted the "m." of the m.webnovel.com in the Url and clicked enter did id go back to the usual design.
              Maybe there is a Error on webnovel.

                Yeah the Update Point besides the Chapter Count on the Libary Site isnt there. A Novel got a Update a few Minutes ago, but no Point did appear.

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