
  • Joined Dec 25, 2020
  • Same here, 2 days ago i could only scroll 1 Chapter up and 1 Down, then i could not scroll to another Chapter anymore, only by Table of Content could i select a other Chapters, which was then 100% on China/Japan language. Only by refreshing does it work again, only to have the same 1 Chapter scroll up and down again.

    • Same thing and if i cant scroll down anymore, i can only scroll 1 Chapter up and1 Down, and click on a Chapter on from Table of Contents, will the Chapter be China or Japan Language.

      • Also the same Problem here, 5min ago i could scroll down to the Next Chapter, just once, but this Chapter was 100% in China or Japan Language. Only after reloading did i see the Chapter on English.

        • I Can Log In Again! Sadly all yy Fast Passes are expired...

        • Facebook and Webnovel have a issue or problem at the moment. Webnovel did not solve, or did nothing maybe?, it at the moment. They did provide a Service, when you state your Account Name and Email, that they Transfer your Facebook account content in a Email login account. If you dont want, or cant do that you can only wait.

          • Still not be able to log in using Facebook....

            • Sleepless_0taku Same here, and as far as i know, if these things are true, is that Facebook did a Update, or something like that, and now is that Version not working with the App service of Webnovel and its connetion with Facebook.

            • @Webnovel_Event I dont need the transfer of my Facebook to Email account, i just want to gain access to my Facebook Account again. So many days of no unlocking of Chapters...
              Dont we have a rough time estimate of when Facebook works again?

            • _Michele_ For me, while not dislike or hate, did i use the App quite a bit but i still prefer to use the PC to read Novels. But the Update a while ago, that makes quite a few Novels only readable with App did make me dislike the App. Not only that a while ago, did pay, 0,99€ for a few Webnovel Coins, thinking that sometime i can pay a bit for Webnovel, as i use it quite a bit, only to end up regretting it, as i lost the Option "Watch ads to unlock Chapter" of the App Permanent. Additional do i no longer get 4 Fast-Passes, as my Daily Check in is not a Mix of Genre Free-Passes. So i only have from the usual 6 Chapter to unlock a Day, now only 3 left. To Top if off did not long Ago the came these Fast-Pass Cost increase for longer Chapters.....
              I can only Advice all People to not Pay ANY amount of Money in Webnovel, as i got screwed over with and lost 2 Daily Chapters unlock option, to get only 15 Chapters only once.

            • Same here, cant log in with Facebook, not in PC nor on App.

              • Dactarik If you talk about the Video Advert, that gives a 1 Free Pass, then we talk about different things. The Watch-Ads-tu-unlock-Chapter is if you are at a Locked Chapters, it then gives you the Option to watch Ad's to unlock said Chapters, and you normaly have 2 Chapters a Day to unlock like this.

                • Anotest I already lost the Video-advert-unlock option.... i Once paid 0.99 € for a few coins, seeing that is pretty cheap and wanting to help Webnovel a bit, as i like a few Novel there quite a bit. I brought it used all coins for my favorite Novel Chapters. Next Day i did not have the Watch-Add Chapter unlock option, next Day the same and next... Wanted to know what this caused, and after looking quite a bit, in the Forums, i found someone saying that, after buying the Bonus i no longer get the video-advert-unlocks option... So i have wasted 1€ for 10 Chapters, that i could get in 5 days with the video-advert-unlocks, that i no longer have not can get...

                  • Is this even Legal what they did? None of the Authors, at least from comments side, did know of this Sudden Update.
                    And as Die_Jobb already said, "A author Writes Novel on PC".

                    • This update is more than Retarded. They throw away the Possible to read on PC! I already know that these People are Stupid, but to think they can it take even further, is a Miracle itself!

                    • Darth_Xiane No it is not Random. Accounts that are later registered, are continue to get All free Fast Passes, and i got the same, till 2 month ago, since then only, ONLY, Genre Fast Passes and not One All Free Fast Pass anymore.
                      Or you mean the "Random" Genre Fast Passes, then you are Right, the Genre Fast Passes are Random.

                      • Same here, i get Genre Fast passes, since almost 2 Month ago, and nothing works, i left out a Check in for 1 Day to reset Day Counted but it didnt work. Someone does have to has a solution for these Genre Fast Pass Check ins! Please Help!

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