Why is the word mak*ng censored?
DaoistSimple Not sure how it went, I'm don't know Chinese so I can't read through any articles, I'll do some research as much as I can though.
That reminds of a comment I saw back when IRAS moved over to be translated at Wuxiaworld (sometime after the beginning of the Great Upheaval)
'Redacted Your Sister!!!
What the H3LL…
It’s heinous Crime to Cut the Most important Scene on the Whole Story.
Cause it’s The scene of Zhang Ye’s “FIRST KISS”…
And just skip Like that??? (Snap Finger)
Bunch of Grandsons!!!
At least You must give Readers (Unredacted Version Chapter 534) on the next page, just Like chapter 530
“KISS SCENE” is the Part of Main Story that u can’t miss…
And it Will be the Eternal scene on Reader’s mind
“KISS is Romance” not Pornographic & If Skip Like this, You Just commit Heinous Crime to Us…
My Large Saber Again and Again Again Again Again Again Again Again Again Again Again Again Again Again Again Again Again Unable to Endure The Thirst !!!'
LtBeefy I don't read IaRaS, so I cannot speak to that specifically, but I for one am of the opinion that art should not just show the good of humanity but also the ugly. It should be a reflection of reality, not a whitewashed version. I get that these stories are from China and the right to express yourself freely is not always supported, but this website was created for the express purpose of catering to a Western audience, so why limit us in the same way if it only makes us disgruntled? In addition, one story's use of the word should not limit everyone from using it in harmless ways. Please don't think I am arguing at you and trying to say you are wrong, I am just trying to sincerely express my view on the matter in hopes that others understand my reasoning. Thank you for your views on the matter, it has helped me start to understand the reasoning behind the censor, but that does not change my belief that it is unwarranted, especially when words like shit are not censored.
[unknown] No need to force yourself to research that I mean I stopped reading IRAS a looong time ago. Just curious what happened to the novel..
Tugster No need to force yourself to research that I mean I stopped reading IRAS a looong time ago. Just curious what happened to the novel..
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ImperfectInfinity Hey man i think the same! But even translators started sticking their nose into novels 'integrity', censoring and even cutting parts out of the novel according to their own political correctness... Look at this discussion i started and after 3 days still no answer from anyone official. Even translators can do whatever they like with the novels at this point...
N0xiety Very much true & this issue is present in other sites as well. Now that they're registered companies, they should consider holding training camps, have probation periods & regular assessments. Now, RWX says he wants to support translators & whatnot. I'm not against that. But when the translators keep on doing a bad job, don't consider reader feedback regarding typos, etc. & have inept editors, what is one supposed to do?
Make can mean f**k in Chinese.
BTW, as a Chinese, I don't know why fre*dom is censored either. I haven't seen that word censored in China ever before. Actually we can even scold our government online and it will not be censored after a long time.
Anqring Good to know, thanks for the input! Still this is an English website. People come to this website (for the most part) because the don't understand Chinese, otherwise wouldn't they read on the original site? The users on this site would not use the word in that manner. The censor of the word freedom is also quite intriguing/worrying. The only time I have ever heard China actually enforce censors is when people assemble in a large group to voice negative things about their government, like Hong Kong's Yellow Umbrella movement. It seems like @Qidian is more terrified of people speaking their minds that even one of the most restrictive governments in the world; at least in the eyes of other Westerners. Living here for half a year I have to say, besides the language, food, and superior public transport, Shanghai is not much different from DC and I have never felt like I couldn't do anything I could in America. If anything, people care less about what you do and say over here.
ImperfectInfinity thanks.
Many non-Chinese think that china is not free but actually our freedom and rights are not restricted seriously. We are communist but also democratic. Although we common citizens can't attend the votes in the government, but we can vote for or against the representatives who is able to vote for a decision.
But we still have much problems not solved. For example, our law isn't perfect enough that it's still hard to protect some of our rights. The corruption is also a problem, but the government is taking action to deal with it. Maybe our government kept a lot of shocking secrets, but the Pentagon and CIA do as well (did you remember Edward Snowden ).
The thing I really feel bad about is that Chinese government banned many foreign sites, including Google. (that's not free huh. )it makes me do a lot of complicated things when wanting to watch YouTube.
But that doesn't matter. I love my country.
And Trump sucks. He is the stupidest president I have seen ever.
Btw, speaking of censor why 'simple/sim ple/ s imple' is cencored too?
This because Qidian is simple minded or anything?
I realy don't know. I just ask. Thanks
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LeechesOfSoul it's because of a widely spreaded joke in China about the former president Jiang Zemin. Once a journalist reported that he passed away while he still alives. He was really angry and said "you guys are too young, too simp/e, sometimes na/ve. "then it becomes a joke and began to spread all over China. Then it became censored as it is considered not suspecting Jiang.
Anqring ahh... I got new way to imagine china culture.
Btw,censoring it was instead of making foreigners so curious and looking for what want to hide?
Ahh... Qidian international is new born website. Hope they are mature fast.
Because what nutrition it absorb before ita born if qidian can't handle 'this and that' problem, sure they are will be food instead of predator.
the servers are based in China, so it's down to that fact,
you can geo-tracert , the ip to where they are hosting the server
I showed the info in a diff post
Anqring Well I am of the firm belief that all governments have the sole purpose of lying to their people while bending the masses over a barrel. America, Britain, Russia, or China; Trump, May, Putin, or Xi; they're are reprehensible scumbags that are marching all of humanity towards extinction. As for the websites, gotta invest in a solid VPN. I wouldn't even be able to login to Qidian without it (I set my account up with Google+).
Pizz Well that does explain things, but I still don't like it. Thanks for the info!
LeechesOfSoul oh wait... I typed wrongly. In the last sentence it's respecting but not suspecting. Sorry for my bad English.
And thanks for your reply!
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Wait that's too much for censorship