Is it a bug? I know the app makes me choose a preference of male-lead or female-lead novels, but I really don't have a preference on the gender as long as the story genre fits me. They made me choose it.
And now the recommendation is so narrow and only give me female-lead novels.
Is there anyway I can get out of this either female or male category? Will they not recommend something just because it's a different gender? Why does it have to be about female or male?
Can I view both male and female lead books?
You should be able to search regardless, the recommendation system is just a small part of the system. As for escaping the either or... nope. Male lead or female lead are your options.
Thanks for the reply
- Edited
Darth_Xiane Is it possible to somehow disable the appearance of this window every time I open the site:
Hrm, not sure as I use the app not the site, the site seems to be in full spaz mode recently so while I say it should be possible, it might also be true the site is just borked like that at the moment.
I honestly don't think you can, but there is a possiblity. This would be a question for those who work the site themselves, like the app makers/programmers. I want to say you can, they should have that option. If not, recommend it to them and bring it to their attention.