Cpecific I'm a bit confused at which comments are directed towards my prototype and which are directed towards WN, tbh. (I'm not WN staff, just a fellow user.) But I'll try to respond to the things you said about my design.

"One of the big complaints towards Webnovel as a platform is that many major changes go unannounced"
That's not the problem. Problem is crappy changes.

I'm sorry you feel that way, but my comment was based on numerous conversations I've had with other people, along with observing things that have been said on the forum. It can't hurt to have a little heads up. Platforms like Discord do that, which is nice. My opinion that making announcements on changes is simply that it would be a nice thing to have. You don't have to agree with this opinion.

I'm asked to select my "Preference" every day on home page.

I'm not experiencing the same bugs. Have you checked if you've accepted cookie settings? If that's not the problem, then I'm really sorry; it must be a bug from WN's side.

Same with "Last read" section, why have this information on front page when we already know what we last read? Why have information of your library on front page?

As an author that likes to check my novel regularly for comments, having a last read section for novels in your library really helps. It's just less of a hassle to get to my novel page. I'm sure many other people have reasons for liking a library on the front page as well. I've seen it mentioned here or there when people were commenting on the latest desktop changes.

"Completed" section scrolling decision is kinda strange. I don't think it is very gut to have scrollable block without scrollbars. It's unintitive at least. If you want to show summary of the novel, why don't you remind yourself that you are developing design for PC website? We are using mouse, not fingers. You can easily make hoverable popups for novels. As an example, look at shikimori.one

This is just a prototype and not the actual site. The program that I was using to prototype didn't have scrollbars programmed into it, so I didn't add them. Pop up does sounds nice! I didn't think of that as again, when designing, pop ups weren't built in (would have to install from a public package). But I'll keep that in mind next time when designing for site. This is pretty much the first time that I've designed a site from scratch, so there are bound to be some places where it's lacking here or there. I really appreciate the feedback!

"some people just love dark mode a lot", no, dark mode is objectively superior. It gives MUCH less straing on the eyes.

I dunno... i thought it was a relatively innocent & true statement. It's true that some people love dark mode a lot, no? Dark mode is pretty important to implement for a reading platform like WN, but I think that a light mode as default is also pretty important. There are objective studies over this; iirc read an article about this a few months ago when I was curious about Discord light and dark mode benefits lol.
So yeah, I understand the love for dark mode. But everyone has their personal taste, so it's really subjective on if there is a superior mode.

In your proposed search page, in "Users" tab there is still novels filter form.

The filter thing is supposed to be a "series finder" function, and not exactly a filter for the novels that were searched by the side. Basically, kinda like Novel Updates, which I drew inspiration from. After clicking the "search" button there, it should take you to a new page with novels that fit those standards. I didn't design that cause... laziness haha, so I'm really sorry for not making that clear in the first place. :pray:

Thanks for giving your thoughts!

    yaoyueyi I really appreciate the design. I use WN both on mobile app and desktop, if Webnovel accepts your design, it will be a great benefit to the users.

    I would just like to ask and the Can you do anything about the publishing process, writing process and spell check facilities on INKSTONE ?

    Some authors, directly write on Webnovel INKSTONE
    without a backup and they have faced problems like:
    1. Drafts got deleted.
    2. Chapters couldn't be published and they missed MGS.
    3. As INKSTONE doesn't have a spell check system like Google docs, so the authors who don't have their first language as English, their chapters were full of grammatical mistakes.

    I know that Content Editors always advise us to use Google docs as a backup and spell checker before publishing to INKSTONE, but why not make INKSTONE a little bit trustworthy ?

      yaoyueyi This is not just amazing, it's phenomenal and mind-blowing. I can't imagine Webnovel not taking it up ... unless there's all the red tape and what not about the current design.

        imagineTishaD Sorry, as someone that's not staff, I have no influence over Inkstone... or really the entire platform. I think it would be better that you make a new thread about it and tag it with "Suggestions". That way, your suggestion can possibly make it over to WN!

          personally, all I care about is someone adding the ability to fucking use bold and italics. It's extremely stupid that something so basic is not implemented in a writing site.

          Awesome. It's just mind-blowing. The DM also seems nice, but it can bring many problems too. If it's like an author-reader dm, then it should be okay (with a block option, as the chances of trolls will just increase with that).

          And as for reader-reader dm? Not sure tbh. But I would like to see new changes (you suggested) on the PC site, and I personally don't like the current one.

          Hope this gets accepted. All hail Yue-sama

            Awesome. It's just mind-blowing. The DM also seems nice, but it can bring many problems too. If it's like an author-reader dm, then it should be okay (with a block option, as the chances of trolls will just increase with that).

            And as for reader-reader dm? Not sure tbh. But I would like to see new changes (you suggested) on the PC site, and I personally don't like the current one.

            Hope this gets accepted. All hail Yue-sama

              Discount_Blade Mods aren't devs, so no, I don't think so. :thinking: Since you've already reported it, just wait, and hopefully a dev will reply. Hope this helps!

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