Aaron_Blanton I really loved your book. Good read. :D
Keep updating. I will definitely read them.
February 2021: Review Swap Here
dyaaran98 @Shionokami Khawla_Amini @Ethan_Fernandes @HideousGrain
Anyone up for a review swap?
Mila_Alaia Ah that sucks (the waiting I mean ) ! I've been there. Will cross my fingers for you !
Anyone a review swap?
WinterQween Left my review. hope you like it.
And when you can please review my story.
Hi I'm from Philippines, Hope you could Find time reading my work
Septic_Red Just posted my review. Hope you like it. Here's my story.
Easy_Tiger Had a quick look at the first 2 chapters of your story and left a review of what I thought of it so far.
review swap anyone?
i will review as soon as i see a review on mine.
I'm always online
i will review as soon as i see a review on mine.
I'm always online
Wolfgirl1215 review swap anyone?
i will review as soon as i see a review on mine.
I'm always online
The_divine_oracle review swap anyone?
i will review as soon as i see a review on mine.
I'm always online
GauravP review swap anyone?
i will review as soon as i see a review on mine.
I'm always online
Wolfgirl1215 review swap anyone?
i will review as soon as i see a review on mine.
I'm always online
she_osprey sure.
Here's my link: https://www.webnovel.com/book/the-veiled-worlds_17909989805504405
review swap anyone?
she_osprey Hope you like my review.
Mine is.