GreenSamurai Loan Shark Devil Guy
Genre: Demons, Modern world
review swap?
February 2021: Review Swap Here
Faysal_Ahmed_5058 I will check yours out do u mind doing the same
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Fantasy, War, Army-Building, Kingdom-Building, Weak-Strong MC, Handsome MC
If you want to swap reviews, read first and real critiques would be much obliged. Ill definitely do the same as well depending on whether or not you want a realistic review!
d_elfe oh thnk u so much. It's for the admission to a prestigious college. Results will be published only after more than a month.
The_divine_oracle sure. As soon as I can.
Yeah review swap
Here is mine, if anyone wants to review. Called- Campaign.
Hey buddy. I decided to take you up on your offer. I read your work and left my thoughts in a review. You're a very strong writer. Your characters and world building have been top notch so far. Really enjoyable world you have created. I look forward to seeing your protagonist encounter some vampires.
If you could take a look at my story and leave a review, I would very much appreciate it:
Hey buddy I read your story and left a review. Interesting and unique world full of great, colorful characters and you have a great easy-to-read writing style which helps the chapters breeze by.
If you could take a look at my story and leave a review, I would very much appreciate it:
Does anybody want to review swap? My story is a dark fantasy type novel and is similar to novels like nurturing humanity or it should be as I continue to write.
Hey buddy, I took a look at your work and left my thoughts in a review. I'm certainly intrigued. The mystery surrounding the protagonist and his backstory has me eager to find out more. Also the first two chapters have both been well-written, especially some of the vivid descriptions in chapter 1.
if you could take a look at my story and leave a review, I would very much appreciate it:
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Aaron_Blanton Hi rs? here is my link:
I would try to give my best honest review too.
If you could also vote for it, I would really appreciate it since it's in a contest.
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atata Hi rs? here is my link:
If you could also vote for it, I would really appreciate it since it's in a contest.
Liden_Snake Hi rs? here is my link:
If you could also vote for it, I would really appreciate it since it's in a contest.
Constantin_x Hi rs? here is my link:
If you could also vote for it, I would really appreciate it since it's in a contest.
YellowPup Hi rs? here is my link:
If you could also vote for it, I would really appreciate it since it's in a contest.
lala_sanara I read and reviewed your novel.
Faysal_Ahmed_5058 For sure, I'll get to it ASAP