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And also I said, it means ur book is a success that's why they plagiarized it.
Not, success because it was plagiarized.
And also I said, it means ur book is a success that's why they plagiarized it.
Not, success because it was plagiarized.
What is there to brag about your book getting pirated and plagiarized because it is good? What is so awesome to lost money and have your work taken like it is nothing?
Yeah sites are going to keep doing it, but that doesn’t mean an author should just smile and shrug about it. Even manga artist talk about how they hate having their mangas on pirate sites.
No one can stop it because people love to read things for free, but an author shouldn’t brag about something like that like it is amazing.
So you are fine with sites taking away your money and hard work because it means that your book is amazing since they took it?
Isn’t that the same thing at the end of the day?
Your book is successful so it got plagiarized and/or pirated, showing that it is a success.
By the way, I'm not the one who bragged, hehe!
Mmm... Yeah, you are losing money, and now, ur losing ur patient, then what? Is there any effect?
Just want to say...
I'm telling that, because u can't do anything about it, then u can just accept it, right?
I don't need ur answer to this, because I don't care, and I'm just telling to the one asking to just accept it because there is NoThing can Do aBouT PiRaTEd, okay? Oka? Oka?
There are things we need to accept even we don't want to, she/he is asking for help/opinions of the others, I told mine, then tell yours, don't answer my opinion if u don't like it, but, give the Author a positive opinion if u WanT, okay?
If u can't help him/her, then that's it, okay? Don't just like, Bah Bah Bah Bah!!! As if...
By the way, forget it, just forget everything I said, and just stop this, because it's non of the topic.
Ur making it more complicated
There is a big difference, Okay?
What do u want me to say?
Just cry and be depressed about it?
Yo! I'm just telling him/her, my point of view, that u just need to accept it!
U want it or not, that's how life works!
I'm giving a positive response here, I said just smile even it's hard, just accept it even you can't, because if u think too much about these pirated sites, it can only hinder ur rise, it can only make u fall.
What do u want me to say?
Cry, Be depress, be angry???
I'm not telling all of these because I love pirated, but for the Authors not to lose the line and continue!
If u ever don't like this message, give him/her ur own message and don't bother about the others.
I never said it was you. Your confusing me with your response. Are you okay?
I’m just saying that even though we cannot do anything about pirated sites, there should be no joyful feelings about it.
But we can stop this conversation since you want to. I’m just trying to have a professional conversation about our opinions on the thing.
Have a good day!
I don’t know where you got that I’m trying to say that they should be depressed and stop doing their art.
An author should continue their art. I’m just saying that it is not a positive thing to have a site pirated you or someone plagiarized you. And it should not be accepted even though it is hard to stop it.
I feel like you derail on this. So, we are finished talking.
Good night/day.
Sorry about everything, I think my words do not help anything, so u can just judge urself, but before everything, I just need to say that stay positive and don't lose any courage, just continue and don't let anything destroy u.
Yeah! Thanks. Goodnight/day
Yeah! I just don't want any arguments.
That's one of my weak sides, and I'm sorry if I thought ur trying to make my thoughts bad.
If u ever need help u can just ask me to make up of my fault and sorry:)
It’s alright. You good.
I used ‘you’ as a second point of view thing. You know like commercials: EX: “Do you ever feel like this bed is not for you?”
The only time I mentioned you is when I asked you a question about how would you feel if that happened to you.
Thanks... Life, full of misunderstanding:)
Smiling? I don't think so. Scrapping could damage the chances of story success. Sometimes what are scrapped and copied are early drafts.
Every novel is scrappable. All mine are scrapped and they have never ranked. They've barely seen the gleam of a powerstone.
Google copyright report link tool might help. I was able to remove 50% of my scrapped book links that way. Unfortunately they can't remove all.
Veronica8 Hey how do I do that?
So I spoke to a well-known author and she is telling me so many steps that got these websites to take down her books
TaniaShava The only way to remove the books from there is through a DMCA. And, only when an Author files the DMCA (for his/her respective book) does it work. We are doing it for our books. But the pirates pup up like grass. We wee 10 today, another 10 pop up tomorrow.
Sorry, I have to say this because of your last sentence. But all I thought of was hydra (if a head is cut off, two more shall take its place) and what they always say (I don’t know if you watch marvel).