ranmaro Yes, ongoing and completed novels are a bit different, but my guess is that most ongoing authors/translators would be OK with large batch discounts on their early chapters. Anything to get a new reader up to date on their novel so the reader can start paying the full daily chapter price and even have the chance of paying for privilege. That's where the bigger WebNovel profits will come from. I do think the author/translator of ongoing novels should probably have veto power over giving those large discounts, but I think most should be willing.

As far as fast passes go, they are pretty insignificant in these bulk scenarios. I already discounted the WebNovel prices by the full top up bonus (15%) and added another 5% for fast passes, which I consider realistic. Consider that if someone reads I shall Seal the Heavens for two months, and applies every fast pass possible in those two months to the novel, they will have saved just over 2000 coins or $35. The WebNovel price would be reduced to about $260 from $288 (after adding back in the 5% I had taken out) - still immensely far from Amazon's $45.

Winzentwinni The voting system improvements are in my opinion really needed. Your ideas are really good. I personally thought that they could make votinh time longer (2-3 weeks) and add more novels to it (so the variety will be higher) while still allowing only two winners.
It would limit book dump and probably reduce amount of dropped translations.

Ah, the dropped translations - that issue is pretty hard to crack because they weren't giving enough profit. I think they could add a event happening either irregularly (the event would start if amount of dropped novel went over a certain cap) or regulary (once/two times a year). I mean over a certain amount of time a dropped novel might get more fans (though dropped novels are pretty unattractive for obvious reasons)who would support it's further release. And I mean there are (or were) few novels really close to ending (less than 100 chapters) but the question is whether resuming of such book would be profitable. I mean it might be better than just letting the rights to publish certain novel rot in a corner?
I'm not that good at understanding how this type of business exactly works so take this with a grain of salt.

    CrispyCritter with that kind of pricing im definitely going to wait for something to change before buying into this Site. Ive bought hundreds of Light novels on Kobo or JNC( J novel Club directly), but Have yet to buy any web novel related stuff yet. WuxiaWorld seems to have a decent looking paid sub service, and it sounds like this site used to have an unlimited sub.

      Ryan_Pettit It did, but it didn't work out well. They tried it for a short moment, but when it became apparent that outside of the cream of the top, everyone's earning decreased by a HUGE lot, they decided to scrap it. Once again, a system won't work if it directly benefits only one side.

        MotivatedSloth Are you sure about that? My recollection is that the top ranked authors' income went down substantially (50%) as the folks that had been paying just for the top author daily chapters started to read massive amounts of other novels. That certainly was the case with me - the percentage of top author chapters that I read went from 100% to probably about 5%. The top ranked authors got a lot less money out of me. Other authors got a lot more.

          Google pays 85$ per hour. My last paycheck was $8500 operating a hundred hours per week online. My younger brother's friend has been averaging 12k for months currently and he's employed for twenty-two hours per week. I can’t believe however simple it had been once I attempted it out. This is often what I do to check further details by opening the link and clicking on (HOME TECH OR MEDIA.) Click Here For More Information........https://is.gd/xud5rB

            CrispyCritter I'm curious. How would my proposal create difficulty in distributing payments? The vouchers mentioned have historically been only usable on a single work, so it would be clear which novel gets that voucher's worth of value. I also remember that once upon a time, vouchers that could only be used on a small selection of novels (probably 5-10) were given away during a number of events.
            Theoretically, this means that it would not be difficult for WN to add this to their platform because they have done it in the past.
            The other proposal for caught up readers was a single work subscription, which instead of requiring WN to create a new infrastructure of automatically unlocking a chapter of a pre-specified novel, they could drop a single work fast-pass into the subscriber's account on a regular basis. Hence, the entire value of the single work subscription would go toward that specific novel.

              KoraL I dont know how much a light novel comparison to the web novel market. But JNC( J novel club does something similar). theres a $5-11 buck a month subscruption that has includes a rotating list of titles for catch up purposes every month. so if you wait all year you can possibly catch up to all released parts of their translated books).

                KoraL You're right; I was misinterpreting your proposal as allowing unlimited free reading among the 30 (or whatever) novels on the allowed list, but your proposal is actually that each 12 (or 4) hour voucher is for a single work chosen from the 30. There is no problem assigning the payment there.

                  6 days later

                  MotivatedSloth I meant for it to be a place where everyone can maturely discuss the topics mentioned above, without any spam, self-inputted links or dramas.

                  Your pp smoll.

                  P.S. Here’s something consructive tho - add a TL;DR for people with ADHD like me.

                    Sythcake Basically MotivatedSloth is suggesting that Webnovel implement a seasonal monthly pass that unlocks an entire volume of a specific series for readers. That is to say, divide an entire series to several volumes, you pay a discounted sum to binge-read a single volume (can be up to 100 chapters) within one month, rather than pay for each chapter.

                      Tomoyuki Thanks) Depending on the pricing, this could be a decent idea. Tho I wouldn’t get my hopes up.

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                          the time recorder is so inaccurate. I have read way more then it seems to think I have. I just want the reading points to be better

                            the time recorder is so inaccurate. I have read way more then it seems to think I have. I just want the reading points to be better

                              I wish that in the point shop that the 1000 point pass was still there so that we can get the ability to have more reading time

                                I fell like we should be able to get another fast pass per day for voting for the weekly them.

                                  for the continuous check in we should be able to get way more fast passes per mile stone and we should be able to get some special rewards for being on for 1 hole year.

                                    ther should be a event were you do not have to pay to play, but to get an advantage you should still be able to spend coins. and by play in these events you should be able to get fast passes ranging from 3 to 20

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                                        Web Novel Novel Ask