Necroghan Initially I thought about replying properly, but given how 49% of your reply is a rant, 49% of your reply is pretending to claim that Netflix documentaries have ANY scientific value, while the other 2% will be you trying to diss my point without even noticing what it was.
So I will put it in simple words for ya - If you cannot take responsibility for your actions, you will never be equal to those who can. This simple rule is even reflected in most of the laws with a point that people below legal age cannot enter any legal agreement. Because they are incapable of shouldering responsibility. Responsibility, black death, one's own actions, rats. Does the bell rings now?
LopingWolf But yes, you're right. Our opinions differ, so let's just go and look at stuff we enjoy, right? I'm not sure why you even bothered posting here actually, as you clearly don't enjoy reading this.
This is the part that bars others from entering the discussion, because with this the OP can claim that any post not to his liking is bad, hateful, and any other of the modern empty words crowd uses to go hunt for witches.
Necroghan I actually don't understand what your point is.
That can sum up everything in your point. You failed to spare this minimal effort required to focus and read what I wrote, not my problem you are apparently (according to your own words) incapable of understanding that. But hey, that doesn't call for attempting to insult me. If I were to talk with a physic scientists and he would start uttering magic words way beyond my knowledge ( you know, I'm lightly joking here with 'magic words' meaning the job specific jarrgon that I'm not well-versed with in case you once again would fail to understand what I consider entry level of discussion) that wouldn't give me any right to say that "he failed to make point" or "he spewed up a word-salad". That's the level you are currently at.
Necroghan You're not actually correcting any of my points, though you seem to be under the misconception that you are.
"I'm a vegan and I feel great! Ever since I became a vegan, my life changed 2083745608237456%, I started nailing world class models, my imouto grew wings and turned into an angled and wild animals often visit my home for a cup of tea and snacks" - This is how your "arguments" sounds like. The fact that something works for you, doesn't make it universal. And the fact that you are using Netflix, which is extremely leftist platform spending hefty amounts to promote all sorts of the nowadays popular and oppressive ideologies, you prove that you lack any proper science backpad to rest your claims on.
Did you notice that I never claimed that Veganism and other sects are harmful? Because contrary to the black-and-white, simplified world that you live in, I'm perfectly aware that this topic is hard. Hard because human science is still far away from understanding everything about human bodies, how they operate, what they need and all. Just like back in the days people used X-rays to check if a shoe they wanted to buy was fitting nicely because they didn't know about its harmful effects, I believe that we have yet to determine whether or not eating meat is better or worse. For that matter, I personally BELIEVE that due to the simple biology making digesting the animal-sourced food easier for our stomach, meat is a necessary although in small amounts part of our diet.
Necroghan So please tell me how your rant about the black death applies in a modern world?
Once again, since you can't enforce rats to wash their paws and stay clear from human properties/food, you can't make them take responsibility for it, hence making them less than our equals. And this point applies to all the animals.
Necroghan I just presented some facts, not some crazy theory.
So far, you have yet to provide a single fact. Google what's the difference between a fact and your personal opinion.
Necroghan Comparing it to Nazi Germany *ahem 'thought dichotomy' is ridiculous.
This is a simple way to learn whether your point actually makes a moral sense. If killing a human is bad, then why killing a fly should be any different? Reversly, when asking a question, is killing a fly for fun bad or a good thing, you can extrapolate it on the first question I posed. I knew you would jump on this point because nothing irks people like you more than putting your own actions into perspective of greater scale.
Necroghan Calling somebody names is not the correct way to provoke critical thinking. It is not a constructive way to debate. You shouldn't be ridiculed for having a different opinion.
If you start throwing insults around. Generally its because people don't have a decent enough counter argument. So they resort to playground tactics.
Funny, I just read yesterday how people learned what ad personam is and use it as stopgap for any discussion. Dear hypocrite, if you want to stand on a moral high ground, then read your previous post and write profuse apology for each and every insult you inserted there first.
LopingWolf Thanks for speaking up anyway, and I'm sorry if it appeared that way to you.
And that's how a normal person react when they are misunderstood. My bad mate, I'm just oversensitive regarding this topic, hence my nitpicking.