Man I won't even mind that quality if they had provided more chapters, but just 5 chaps is just not enough.
Why are the new trial reads all machine translated?
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Mute No the female trial reads all have 40 chapters, I asked customer support and they said the rest of the chapter human translated will come later today or tomorrow because there are some update issues and server issues
Astral_Ascent yeah, last week they told us same sh*t
Astral_Ascent DId they say why they started using machine translations?
Astral_Ascent I hope the underground hinting novel was quite fresh but 5 chapter is....
Astral_Ascent the female lead have all 40 chaps cause there has been no new TL novels for them since last to last week. So I don't think there are any new additional chaps coming this week.
Something is seriously wrong with webnovel right now.
This time we got big gift from webnovel.
MTL trial read and genre fast pass.
What a way to end this month.
How is it that I can probably get better MTL results than a mega company?
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Max255 yeah, next year they'll buy subscription on DeepL, fire all translators and make us pay for mtl
Misguided_Rooster because they don't know how to use Google or Microsoft translator
They have had MTL before, but they were clearly labeled as machine translations, why do these trial reads not get that warning?
Also, i see a bunch of Simple MTL released translations not in the trial reads, are they next weeks selection? Ergh such a trash site.
They even list a name as the translator/editor giving us a false impression that it isn't MTL.
This says Lord_Immortal translated and edited, but it's clearly machine translated.
Ive long since
Mute I've long since stop reading in webnovel (for translated books). The only use i have for webnovel is to read original books and to search for translated book titles by reading the freebies and then if I'm interested, read the rest mtl'ed lol.
Mute oh yeah this time around there's a lot of interesting books compared to the trial reads for the past month or two.
Im happy yet also sad that they picked theres a divine tree in my heart when its been hiatus in the raw for so long.
Then im sad they didn't choose i won't play by the books when its been constantly updating high quality content
ExodusGaming555 Yeah some of them have an interesting concept, i can deal with it if it's only for the selection process and then a real translator takes over, but i doubt it, i bet it will stay machine translations.
@CKtalon any idea wtf is happening?
Well, MTL is the only way to keep things cheap so they can keep on being translated. It's a win-win, no?