Also there's barely any chapters released, so we get shit quality translation and you cut down the chapter count yet again.
Go fuck yourselves webnovel decision makers.
Also there's barely any chapters released, so we get shit quality translation and you cut down the chapter count yet again.
Go fuck yourselves webnovel decision makers.
Dwarkin Not all chapters are released yet, and a few of the novels had 20 or so chapters, so they past the point where they start charging.
like this one for example.
At least give me all the raws.
I just can't believe how shameless they are to use MTL and not even try and hide it.
Man I won't even mind that quality if they had provided more chapters, but just 5 chaps is just not enough.
Mute No the female trial reads all have 40 chapters, I asked customer support and they said the rest of the chapter human translated will come later today or tomorrow because there are some update issues and server issues
Astral_Ascent yeah, last week they told us same sh*t
Astral_Ascent DId they say why they started using machine translations?
Astral_Ascent I hope the underground hinting novel was quite fresh but 5 chapter is....
Astral_Ascent the female lead have all 40 chaps cause there has been no new TL novels for them since last to last week. So I don't think there are any new additional chaps coming this week.
Something is seriously wrong with webnovel right now.
This time we got big gift from webnovel.
MTL trial read and genre fast pass.
What a way to end this month.
How is it that I can probably get better MTL results than a mega company?
Max255 yeah, next year they'll buy subscription on DeepL, fire all translators and make us pay for mtl
Misguided_Rooster because they don't know how to use Google or Microsoft translator