Lonelytree there's almost nothing we can do.
Think of it like this, readers feels that webnovel is slowly making the paywall higher and higher while at the same time reducing the quality of the translations.
The translators on the other hand may also have problems from the site that cause them to even consider using half baked translation or a little editing from a mtl result.
Now comes the question, who to fault for, is it the readers, translators, or the site?? Next, how to fix this issues?
I'll just come clean and say that imo its the sites fault. To change all this situation we need to start with the roots of the ecosystem that is the site. Both the readers and the translators truly have limited capabillities to really change anything. As long as the roots is wrong, nothing will really change.
Realistically for the site to continue running up till now means that it still gains lots and lots of income right? So why did they still increase the paywalls and do seemingly unwise move in the eyes of the many? The answer is more profit, to gain high and cost low. Causing readers to consider reading at illegal sites and translators to start producimg half baked content.
Imo the current site is EXTREMLY unfriendly to new users(and even many old users), making users to prioritize using this site to search new books to google it and read it on other sites. This all comes down from the very high paywall with a very limited "official" way to bypass it for new/free readers, many trial reads/new books with half baked translations, and many more reasons.
Now for new readers to stay and be real readers(or even pay readers), they need to first be comfortable with the site. This needs readers to repeatedly or long term use of the site (which is not working when all the translated books have high pay walls and half baked mtl translation,causing the to read on other sites). The solution to this is actually easy by
making a few finished old popular books from both male and female lead to be fully free and automatically save them to the new users library according to the male preference and gender.
Reduce the harsh paywall by increasing the free chapter to about 1/4 of the translated chapter with a minimum of 60 chp free
Increase the amount of ways to allow free readers getting free pass or even gold coins. Example a 2-3 gold coins will be given from the gift after reading 15 minutes/day for 7 consecutive day(After all, gold coins is in a way harder to use and get than free pass and yet they will never expire unlike free pass.). Invite a friend could also give a cold coins for every 5 users invites and a free pass for every 1 user.
And many more ways i can't think of (p.s. honestly exp is only worth it for long term/old users, so make any mission or things that gives reward to give exp as a reward in addition to the main reward and not make exp as the main reward)
Remembers the days where even if many chapter were locked, we could patiently wait for each chapter gets unlocked after every update and we could do missions to get spirit stones? Ahh those olden(yet golden) days.