AbsoluteReader001 Well my viewpoint is that Webnovel can do whatever they want with their site. Having said that making unilateral changes without even telling anyone or explaining why they have done it isn't good business as it makes people feel messed around. This poor communication is systematic across Webnovel and I think it does seriously harm them.
Generally I find that if there is bad news I'm quite happy to accept it as long as they're upfront about it. For example if they say a novel has been dropped cause they're losing money on it I can accept it even if I'm not thrilled. However what we find instead is that they simply stop updating and don't tell anyone anything leaving bemused readers to guess it's probably been dropped. The problem is who in their right mind would spend money on a novel that could be dropped without notice nor explanation the very next day.
It's the same with changes to fastpass etc where they assume it will be unpopular so they just change it quietly and hope no one will notice. Problem is that it firstly makes Webnovel look untrustworthy and secondly it seems to imply that they think people won't be interested in their offering if they knew all the facts so they need to keep it hidden. Each individual incident isn't really a deal breaker but when I add them all together if you were to ask me if I trust Webnovel answer would be a decisive NO and that's not what any company wants when trying to prise open people's wallets...