Hello! So I've been a reader of this app for 2 years now. It helped me a lot in my study breaks in the university since my freshman years and now I am on my 3rd year.
I have read a loooot of novels in this app already. Romance, action, historical, fantasy. Almost all the categories and genres. I mostly lean on the contemporary romance. However, the moment I try to explore a new novel to read after I finish one, it has almost the same plot from the previous one I've read. There is no more NEW THING OR NEW EXCITEMENT. NO NEW PLOTS. ALMOST EVERYTHING IS THE SAME.
Thus, it came to me. Maybe it is time to say goodbye. It was a memorable two years already. However, the only thing that keeps me is i think it is a waste to end it. After all the story passes and the days I logged in. I just wish to read something new and fresh. Hope you can help me!