Tugster how many accounts can you do like that
I cannot afford this website...
They don't give a shit about your post.You can find at least 15-20 post like this.but you can't find one answer from higher-up.They don't care about translation quality(a lot of translator uses MTL) or full of a filler chapter.there are idiots who buy their stone and that is enough for them.
BishopDearg no because if I pay and unlock a 100 chapters I dont have to wait a 100 days and can keep reading, but after those 100 chapters if I dont pay for the next ones I have to wait 100 days till I get the first free chapter so Im waitimg the hundred days anyway just a bit later and paid for nothing..
To many novels are charging, fuck this shit.
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Ansh time is more expensive than money by countless time
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Let me summarize the feelings of a lot of people. Who begets excellent points, counter-arguments, and everything that Qidan doesn't care about.
UnknownDaoist Sure it is buddy. But im pretty sure the 'spending time' ere was different from what you are thinking
Citlalicue How is this even relevant here?
It is ridiculous. Would cost me 50 USD to unlock all the premium chapters of Immortal Mortal. Who the hell would even consider paying that much for it?
TheNumbersMason People who want to read ahead.
TheNumbersMason i am sure quite a few poeple pay. Bit by bit over the months it is not much. That is the business model
Ansh My expression to this thread. I can't believe people still expect things for free. I thought picture will speak louder then words. You get it now?
The threads like this really do showcase people with addiction problems. Some are borderline acting like straight junkies that can't get their fix.
Millman97 Why bother ? I'm fine with it and it doesn't harm me in any way.
Not my fault if my hobbies are the only thing that bring me relaxation and happiness.
I've see multiple psychologist in my childhood but they were worth nothing and only cared about how much we paid them.
At least internet is free (almost).