I'd love to do a swap
Do yours and you'll do mine
I'd love to do a swap
Do yours and you'll do mine
I'd love one
This is the link to my book
Add to your collection too
Also tell me what you think about it
Your comment/review meant a lot to me
Did you mean it?
allshadesgreen sure, let swap reviews.
Please help me review my book too
The Big in Little
Thank you
allshadesgreen Done also.
allshadesgreen really you have seen it before, and thanks for the review
Let's review swap I'll review yours as soon as you review mine't-let-me-down._18892170305458105
If it interests you please add it to your collection, and feel free to point out my mistakes
Nana_Ama101 Doing it now! Please review mine as well!
Pages Apart
Let's reviews swap
Boryz I'm on it! Please review mine as well!!!
Pages Apart
Hey, I just reviewed yours will you give mine a review.
Hey, I just reviewed your novel, will you review mine?
allshadesgreen Hey, sorry for the late response. A lot of the time on these review swaps I give higher ratings than I normally would as author's are just starting out, but yours was actually really well written. There weren't many grammatical or spelling errors if any, and I really liked your characters. I meant every word of what I said for yours, and it'd be a sin if you chose to bury your talent and stop writing.