PinkLemons Of course! I already added your novel to my library and also liked your tags. I'll review yours as soon as I can.
June 2021- Review Swap here!
kuhaku_sora Thanks, I am currently reading your novel, just had to pop up here real quick.. It's nice to know you're from the PH btw.
MokouFriedChicken Yesss, I already added your novel to my library and like your tags as well. I'll reveiw it as soon as I can!
PinkLemons I'm glad you liked it!
Davidwatts6957 Okay!! I will do it tomorrow. I will put your book inside my collection first!
I didn't delete the comment but thanks for noticing me
And of course, I am glad to have another Arab person with me
Yo, I'll swap, may take a bit to get the review done but will do it asap.
Here's mine:
Sure! Will do it asap!
Here's mine:
Happy for honest reviews.
Yo, I'll review yours! May take a little bit but will get it done!
Here's mine:
Lieutenant_Fluffy Okie I'll get on with yours now
Davidwatts6957 your book is already in my collection. Don't worry, I will
Care for a swap? Will review yours as soon as you review mine:
Dark_Scholars I'll review yours. Here's mine's-deadline_19722601005047305
PinkLemons thank you very much : ))))
Proteety_Promi I already reviewed your book
RodzZ up for exchanging reviews? Here's mine's-deadline_19722601005047305
Thanks for going through, will read when it's daybreak over here. Thanks
My novel title is SHADOUKINGU NO TSUMI does any one want to swap with me