I just read the synopsis and I'm already all over this book. Let's get this elevation game started. :D

EDIT: I posted my review and it brought me so much joy. I really like it.

    I read your story, and found it really interesting. I like the supernatural genre and your air of mystery and unique imagination are a quite good combo.

    Please do give my story a read and tell me what you think of it.

    Thank you!

      Hey guys!
      I am looking for exchanging honest reviews.
      So if you're interested then please leave the links to your stories.
      Read and review my story and I'll respond as soon as I can by properly reading your story and leaving a review.

      Title: Lovingly together
      Link: https://www.webnovel.com/book/lovingly-together_20218358406350305
      Genre: Contemporary romance with adventure and drama and suspense.


      Hope you like it.
      I will of course return the favor by leaving my honest thoughts about your stories.
      Let's help each other get better and motivate.

      Thank you!

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