Privilege is a scam, it resets every month. You then have to pay for it again just to have access to chapters that you have already paid for the previous month.
Privilege is a SCAM
How is it a scam if it tells you up front that is what it does? If you don't like how the system is designed but still buy in anyways isn't you being scammed.
You're just a total moron.
You do not need to pay for the privilege chapters again. You just need to wait for them to be released, per the release schedule of the novel. For example, if you spent 1 coin for 2 privilege chapters and the author releases 1 chapter per day, you need to wait 2 days for the chapters to be unlocked.
Mechanicalwave Privs do reset every month, but remember that paying for a priv tier does not mean you have unlocked those certain amount of chaps.
Example: you paid for a priv tier of 250 coins that will give you early access to 10 chapters. You will still have to unlock those chapters with coins.
Priv tiers only give you EARLY ACCESS.
Like michelenoguchi stated, if you paid for the tier that opens 10 chaps, then you will see the first 10 early access chapters and then every new uploaded chaps after that- depends on author and how much they upload.
If you have unlocked those chapters with coins, then you will still have access to them even when priv resets.
Many people get confused with this.
I hope this is understandable and wish you the best. If you are still confused, just reply and lemme know~
MichelleLeeee if you buy it for one month, the next month you loose access. If you wait for the current release schedule, at the rate they release you are waiting months
Mechanicalwave Agreed!
Mechanicalwave Are you talking about priv? Yes. You pay for 1 month, next month you have to pay for it again.
Mmm, if you mean you are paying for a tier that releases 8 chapters ahead and you can unlock them, then yes, you would be seeing their release rates. Tiers/privs just mean you see ahead of others and may get discounts for buying chapters if your authors give it.
Is this what you mean? Sorry if I am unsure.