sammielane448 Thank you so much for the review, it was a blow on my dying embers... And, speaking about embers, I've started reading your novel and I'm impressed so far. Will comment on my impressions directly in your novel.

Can I brag about it a little and share your review across the universes?


    Please review my novel



    Genre- Fantasy, Mystery, Shounen, Action, Supernatural, Mythical,Adventure

    BY: Wookie0_

    Link: link


    Kai Reid, a guy who was living his life without a reason until the day when he mysteriously teleports in a fantasy world with amazing super powers

    His newly found powers take him on roller coaster ride of a multiverse full of different realms of sci-fi to a world of fantasy, from cybercops to devils

    Who know what hidden mystery awaits him, who know if he can ever find the truth of the dark worlds? What's the mystery behind the super power


    This is my first work an i'm putting all my heart when developping the story. Please give it a try, I would really appreaciate it. Thanks.

      sammielane448 How nice of u! I agree that a lot of people don't write genuine reviews and as an author myself, I can imagine how disappointing it can be when u don't real and promising reviews. So, seeing u offering a proper one is really encouraging for me and indeed other people as well.
      I'll be very grateful if u review my work :
      But could u also send me ur book link? As i love to read and give reviews for other authors as well :D
      ofc not here, as i dont want this thread to close ;-;
      message me on the review swapping thread :D
      I'm looking forward for u to review my work and i am quite eager to review urs :D

        SrtaA Oks, Oks, I may be misunderstood, I thought it's like the thread like the Honest Review Swap. Sorry about that.

          Google is paying $27485 to $29658 consistently for taking a shot at the web from home. I joined this action 2 months back and I have earned $31547 in my first month from this action. I can say my life has improved completely! Take a gander at what I do..........


            I'm slightly late, but I have reviewed The Aquarian Crown, I hope my review is in any way helpful or insightful or anything of that sort.


            Hey man. Yeah, I remember you. I loved your Webnovel, even though at the time there was only one chapter out. Yours is the next webnovel I'll review, should be ready by this week Friday 8 pm BST (I might do it sooner than that, but I want to give myself enough time to write a few more chapters of my webnovel this week.

            Alright, to everyone else, sorry for the wait, but I absolutely will get to every webnovel in this thread, it will, however, take time. Spinning a few plates, I love it, but I want I give everything the space it needs to be done reasonably well.

              sammielane448 yes, very. I already fixed one issue thanks to your help(Levi’s entrance). I honestly probably won’t change the lack of information about their original world in the beginning because it’s our world(which we’re used to), and info gets sprinkled in throughout the book in memories and comparisons, but I found your opinions very helpful. It was much more insightful than any other reviews I’ve gotten so far, and one can definitely tell that you Actually read the whole ten chapters. I greatly appreciate the time and effort you put into the review. I did want to tell you that readers find out that Atlas is Matt in chapter 11😁, although it takes a while for Serenity to find out who he is(drove my readers crazy😆). And I will be removing the ( ) from the beginning today because you’re right: it does break the immersion into the story. Since I wrote in 3rd POV, I thought I could get away with it, but I realized that you were correct after I went through and re-read it with your perspective in mind. I thank you Very much for your time and efforts into helping me make my story better❤️🥰❤️

              Edit: I thought I should mention that the reason behind some words being capitalized for accentuation is because bold and italic doesn’t show up in the app, and I wanted the reading experience to be the same whether it was online or in the app. I only mention this because you might come across other authors doing something similar. Thank you again for the great review❤️

              Web Novel Novel Ask