GegeSadewa What about them?
Your novel is trash if it has harem
Tomoyuki Go back to school. You apparently can't form sentences correctly.
YulongYuXianTaiyin Go back to your mental institution. You apparently suffer from a reading disability.
Umm… What was incorrect about her sentence?
There is so much trash grammar around here that there is no need to pick on someone with good (if not perfect) grammar. You would be better off disagreeing with the content on that post, but I also agree with her there.
This whole thread had gone out of control, but at least make correct accusations…
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shadowdrake27 Her? I'm a guy, dude.
Also, I was copying YulongYuXianTaiyin's sentence and changing a few words, so he obviously can't see the irony of criticizing me for not being able to form sentences.
His* hard to tell online, my bad there. Either way, not sure what the complaint was about.
shadowdrake27 He was just raging because I called him out on his logic and disagreed with him. And so he was looking for any excuse to bash me.
Tomoyuki "Harem isn't my thing, BUT I'd tell people to stop reading them..."
It should be 'and' or 'so'. If you used 'but', then the first part would have to be "harem is my thing".
Also, 'he'? I'm a female.
And yes, we don't get along. You restarted the thread many days after by responding to mine that didn't need a response. And you have a habit of not only always disagreeing with me, but a big problem with not listening (you've done this to others, too, and I'm sure they noticed at the time). Bashing? You always start it. Whether we're on the same thread or not, I thought we would continue to ignore each other, but you had to pick a fight. Please leave your negativity away from me. Thanks.
P.S., This does not require a response.
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Okay, she then. Also, I was being sarcastic and copying your sentence simply to point out that your "brussel sprouts" example don't make sense because no one will consider harem "healthy." Also, obviously it was a typo. I meant "Harem isn't my thing, BUT I'd not tell people to stop reading them." Somehow I forgot the "not" but hey, instead of pointing out if there was a typo or you know, disagreeing or whatever, you decided to attack me. No one bashed you, I certainly didn't. I didn't attack your intelligence, I only disagreed with you. Unlike you, who told me to go back to school. Then only did I respond with an attack of my own.
I didn't pick a fight. I simply pointed out the hole in your logic, but if you consider that "bashing" then you have issues, lady.
I love it, the more posts I read on this thread the more brain cells I lose, wth are you even talking about at this point? :D
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Happy_AltRight No idea, we're talking about a girl who claims that harem is healthy.
And on the issue of not listening to others, I think she is quite the hypocrite.
I made this thread and even I don't know. Shit, just let them keep going ig.
Misguided_Rooster Do you seriously think it's healthy and wise for Cultivation Chat Group to have harem in it? Because that's what she was arguing, and when I pointed out the hole in her logic, she attacked me.
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I mean... no, look at the thread title man...
Misguided_Rooster Exactly. I was standing up for you, man.
O,my bad then lol
I guess so. But these novels don't bother to elaborate on whether they intend to make it a polyamorous relationship or not. Harem is almost always defined as the MC having a plethora of female love interests. And the MC never bothers to choose one because he can't "bear to break the other women's hearts," which is a cop-out.
Why must those women have to share the same man while the man does not allow the women to indulge themselves with other men? Does that even make sense?
And in most cases, the author indicates that the women are fine with sharing the man because they feel that the man "cannot possibly be limited to one woman". And to that... Why? Why do they have such low self-esteem, and why do these so-called morally upright MCs take advantage of these women with such low self-esteem?
This! I always wondered why not. If harem, why not a polyamorous one? Isn't it more interesting if everyone is into everyone and all the girls have fun with eachother?
It certainly sounds cooler than a bunch of girls and some boring unattractive dude who can't pick who he likes. Someone really needs to write this. A harem like this would be great!
Damn... that would break the immersion though, if I'm reading about a guy with a harem fighting against the world and then it suddenly becomes an orgy, tf am I to do?
Happy_AltRight I would've love it