I love it, the more posts I read on this thread the more brain cells I lose, wth are you even talking about at this point? :D
Your novel is trash if it has harem
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Happy_AltRight No idea, we're talking about a girl who claims that harem is healthy.
And on the issue of not listening to others, I think she is quite the hypocrite.
I made this thread and even I don't know. Shit, just let them keep going ig.
Misguided_Rooster Do you seriously think it's healthy and wise for Cultivation Chat Group to have harem in it? Because that's what she was arguing, and when I pointed out the hole in her logic, she attacked me.
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I mean... no, look at the thread title man...
Misguided_Rooster Exactly. I was standing up for you, man.
O,my bad then lol
I guess so. But these novels don't bother to elaborate on whether they intend to make it a polyamorous relationship or not. Harem is almost always defined as the MC having a plethora of female love interests. And the MC never bothers to choose one because he can't "bear to break the other women's hearts," which is a cop-out.
Why must those women have to share the same man while the man does not allow the women to indulge themselves with other men? Does that even make sense?
And in most cases, the author indicates that the women are fine with sharing the man because they feel that the man "cannot possibly be limited to one woman". And to that... Why? Why do they have such low self-esteem, and why do these so-called morally upright MCs take advantage of these women with such low self-esteem?
This! I always wondered why not. If harem, why not a polyamorous one? Isn't it more interesting if everyone is into everyone and all the girls have fun with eachother?
It certainly sounds cooler than a bunch of girls and some boring unattractive dude who can't pick who he likes. Someone really needs to write this. A harem like this would be great!
Damn... that would break the immersion though, if I'm reading about a guy with a harem fighting against the world and then it suddenly becomes an orgy, tf am I to do?
Happy_AltRight I would've love it
His harem already breaks the immersion lol... might as well have a fun harem. The world probably won't be saved in the end but at least he goes out in a bang
Dzeeck Life isn't only about dual-cultivation (in an orgy it would probably be quintuple-cultivation or even more, like ....sextuple-cultivation ) young Daoist, it's about support, love (for the country), and many other things under the heavens. There is no place for happiness on the road to immortality.
EternalNightLotus No it doesn't, the women (harem members) never do Xing (/jack) shit, they just get into trouble and force the HPOC (horny piece of shit -> ML) to save them, so it doesn't break the immersion that the HPOC is fighting against the world alone.
A great majority of stories on here are trash without involving harems at all.
That said, it's not the topic, but the writing/story that defines if a story is good or not. I, personally, dislike the way that Webnovel, and other's of a similar ilk, encourage authors to churn out stories as fast as possible. This simply encourages bad writing.
Even if I write a novel normally, it needs work once done. Sometimes I change something in the story which means I should go back and edit something from earlier. WN's format means that editing/proofreading is almost discouraged, lowering the quality of even the few decent reads on here for the most part.
Yes, before you ask, I have a couple of books on here, but one was fully written beforehand, and the other I've been writing as a spoof, although it's turned out quite well, if I say so myself. That being said, the version on here is basically a first draft. Once it's done, I will be going through it, editing, re-writing it to make it properly 'readable'.
Misguided_Rooster you said majority of chinese and jap has them. How about Korean?
No clue ig since I haven't read much korean
Misguided_Rooster I've read some Korean novel. Usually they did not have harem. But there are also quite plenty of them that has Harem. Mostly from the author Toika. And they are not trash eventhough those novel has harem.
EternalNightLotus Are there now 50 shades of harem novels? lol
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I believe some people dislike the trope, not because of the quality of interactions or poor execution, but simply because it's overused. That, and there's quite a few SJW's who lead crusades against it (if you want to see what I mean, just spend 20 mins on an anime/manga-related Twitter timeline). The former of is kind of short-sighted, and I'll get into why in a minute.
For me personally, it's neither here nor there. It's kinda just there, like one of those weird china dolls that your mother or grandmother keeps in the attic from their childhoods (my mother has one, hence why I'm making this oddly specific comparison).
But what I hate to see is when an author who has a perfectly good story, fleshed out with well-thought-out characters and plot lines, decides to switch gears and drive the plot into the ground by adding in a harem, out of left field. If you're going to have a harem, it needs to be at least alluded to and integrated into the plot early on. Harems for the sake of harems is baloney.
Though if you're me, you don't even go into harem territory with your stories. That's the safer option.