What if you post an unofficial translation, ( bc there isn't an official English translation yet) only bc you wish to share an amazing novel.

For example, I've considered posting a novel with no official English translation, (with NO intention of receiving money or donations), all while making sure to give credit where needed, posting links to the original work, and urging readers to support the author by purchasing the original work... And if an official English translation were to come out, I would immediately take down what was posted...

What would be your opinion in this case?

Note I have no idea how translations work on web novel and mean no harm. I'm just a die hard fan who wishes to share a beautiful novel for others to also enjoy. Please take that into consideration and be kind when giving your opinions or deciding to "educate me". With that being said, I look forward to hearing from you guys.

    You absolute #$%$#%%$$$%$$$#$$$$$%$$$$$$$$$$$

    Ahem! Don't look up there, look here. Yes.

    Simply contact the author and ask for their opinion. Just don't go and decide things on your own, thinking that you're doing something good. If they agree, then good; if not, then that's it!
    It's like stealing then saying that it's borrowing.
    I will return it later.
    No you don't, ask them first.
    Yes? Good!

      SlaveOfTheLord You're right. I think you make an excellent point...Though it would suck if the author never gets back to you.

      Oh and BTW, thanks for being SUPER NICE in your response. You get a thumbs up for maturity.😑

        A piece of advice, next time don't go and ask people to be kind to you. That's lowering yourself more than necessary. It will ignite a fire in some people.
        Also, I don't see my thumbs up...

          SlaveOfTheLord Thanks for the advice. I'll make sure to keep that in mind for future reference....

          Oh and in regards to your "thumbs up" that was purely sarcasm. However, I'll give you that thumbs up for this comment though...only because I literally burst out into laughter when you asked where your thumbs up was. Kudos on that accomplishment. I rarely laugh nowadays.


            Hey, hey, I see what you're doing and I dissaprove.


            Also, yeah, don't go around translating without permission. Who knows what could happen.

              Nah, I am but a humble slave...

              Well, looks like making you laugh isn't that big of an achievement after all.

              Anyway, I don't know about being a writer, but I did write a novel. It's the type that not many will understand or appreciate. The theme is helplessness. The title, The Sinful Mortal.

                SlaveOfTheLord I find you quite interesting...a bit rude...but interesting nonetheless...Therefore I shall give your novel a read.

                  Misguided_Rooster Very true,... Not sure what the copyright laws are in China (the novel I was referring to before is written in Chinese), but either way I guess that would still be considered copyright infringement...


                    Yup if you plan to translate something that qidian owns fully expect to hear from their legal division in short order. They have a rather lengthy history of being unsympathetic to people wanting to translate their IPs.

                    You DO have the option however of signing a third party translator contract with them. Better to work with the owners than receiving very aggressive cease and desist orders.

                    "Not sure what the copyright laws are in China..."
                    Man, thanks for the laugh, it's a big accomplishment, not many things can make me laugh nowadays. 🤣


                      Some people just want to watch the world burn... 🤷

                        ??? Why would I want to watch the world burn? I don't want to get burned. It's not a pleasant experience I tell ya. Cough! Ignore the last statement.
                        Anyway, few cities are more than enough.

                          My opinion is;
                          you are free to translate whatever you want. No limitation at all. Especially if you only use it for your own self satisfaction. LOL

                          But the problem could come if other troublesome people start disturbing you because of it.
                          For example, if you post it somewhere they could read it.

                          So, my suggestion is, just translate it, and post it somewhere private where only the people you could trust that has access on it.

                          Or, you could translate it and then post it everywhere anonymously. 🤣

                            12 days later

                            SlaveOfTheLord So, I've been reading your novel and I was wondering if you'd humour me and answer a few questions... actually I have several. Would you mind if I ask them on here?

                              Web Novel Novel Ask