SlaveOfTheLord So, I've been reading your novel and I was wondering if you'd humour me and answer a few questions... actually I have several. Would you mind if I ask them on here?

- Joined Jan 3, 2020
Same here...I have 5 that won't work...
Let's all hop on the train to conformity!
Population: No one...
They all jumped off a bridge,
bc "everyone was doing it..."
And now all that's left
are a bunch of sheep...
I'm just kidding, but seriously....
TheSlimyOne 'tf? Is this really life?
Like I told the other guy, I'm too lazy to type everything out... So here's a link. Edited
Dzeeck Basically I'm too lazy to type everything out, so here is a link.
That person did a pretty good job at explaining.
Beats me
Just being in one relationship can already be stressful...
I can't even begin to imagine a harem.
Just why would you do that to yourself!?
I'm kidding BTW.Good question! I feel like some authors try to cater to whatever is popular at the time only for a moment of fame... what's even worse are the readers who make those novels popular... but to each their own...
No creo que vas a encontrar libros en Español aquí... por lo menos no que yo sepa
Please do enlighten me...
Do Golden Tickets actually make a difference for the author?
It'd be great if they did...
Anyways, I was just curious..."Be careful who you call your friends. I'd rather have four quarters than one hundred pennies."-Al Capone
Mai0414 Novels with too much smut. Don't get me wrong, I don't have an issue with such content. Its just when every few chapters there is a 5 chapter long smut scene, it gets old rather quickly. If you can't seem to conjure up any real content, then maybe you should be writing porn instead of a novel... JS
brockarot_falcon Well said.
Some people just want to watch the world burn...
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Misguided_Rooster Very true,... Not sure what the copyright laws are in China (the novel I was referring to before is written in Chinese), but either way I guess that would still be considered copyright infringement...
SlaveOfTheLord I find you quite interesting...a bit rude...but interesting nonetheless...Therefore I shall give your novel a read.
SlaveOfTheLord Are you a writer by any chance?
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SlaveOfTheLord Thanks for the advice. I'll make sure to keep that in mind for future reference....
Oh and in regards to your "thumbs up" that was purely sarcasm. However, I'll give you that thumbs up for this comment though...only because I literally burst out into laughter when you asked where your thumbs up was. Kudos on that accomplishment. I rarely laugh nowadays.