Vex_900 Vex-kun!! I am starting with yours. I will start with chapter commenting. When I get an idea of what your story is about, I will give a review!! Is that okay? Please, do the same for me. Take time...I am looking for an honest analysis of my novel chapters so that I can actually make it a commercial success.
you can find my book: Tom in an RPG world.
Promote Your Stories Here, review swap and comment swap
Aidan_Grey will start with your book soon. already collected.
Arsenalhole6ty9 Loved 'em!! cheers!
superAyan adding to collection. Will come back to it later when you have at least 15 chapters. Cheers!!! Keep up the good work!!!
I have this newest story guys, Please help to review and I'll review yours, Help to subscribe if you please ^^
Hi am YOUNG PHOENIX a new writer and am writing under Chikezie Wisdom's Account. So I hope to get some reviews on my book'Recarination Of The Wealthy Heiress'.
Please apply here...If you like reading mine, I will do the same for you.
if you are looking for honest reviews and other swaps..leave your link in the thread above. If you qualify, I will definitely do yours and you can then do mine.
ToufiqUlAlam how do I send the link?? coll and review swap anyone??
ToufiqUlAlam yeah sure man, I will add your book too, and give my thoughts
ProPug Hi! Sorry for being late~ Just give some time to write a review ^^
raises hand lesgoo
summer_cicada hey sure no problem
Anyone interested is swaps
Chikezie_Wisdom click on the link given in my post and then once you are there in my thread, paste your novel link there...I will check and then let you know.
If you are looking for a genuine beta reading of your novel and swaps...apply here with your novel link.
Rarajasmin_jazz i intend to keep it free until I am satisfied with the quality. No I did not get any contract yet.
UelUel sure btw we're both in Writers Hub the discord channel, so i had already added ur book to my colls previously
Sweet_SourKiwi mind if both of us swap