Sweet_SourKiwi https://forum.webnovel.com/d/97280-apply-for-beta-reading-collection-comment-swaps
Please apply here...If you like reading mine, I will do the same for you.
ToufiqUlAlam how do I send the link??
Chikezie_Wisdom https://forum.webnovel.com/d/97280-apply-for-beta-reading-collection-comment-swaps if you are looking for honest reviews and other swaps..leave your link in the thread above. If you qualify, I will definitely do yours and you can then do mine.
Chikezie_Wisdom click on the link given in my post and then once you are there in my thread, paste your novel link there...I will check and then let you know.
https://www.webnovel.com/book/an-unspoken-place_27356993306506005 coll and review swap anyone??
Theothegiant raises hand lesgoo
ToufiqUlAlam yeah sure man, I will add your book too, and give my thoughts
MrBtheNovelist https://www.webnovel.com/book/an-unspoken-place_27356993306506005 review swap??
ProPug Hi! Sorry for being late~ Just give some time to write a review ^^
summer_cicada hey sure no problem 😃
Anyone interested is swaps
https://forum.webnovel.com/d/97280-apply-for-beta-reading-collection-comment-swaps If you are looking for a genuine beta reading of your novel and swaps...apply here with your novel link.
Rarajasmin_jazz i intend to keep it free until I am satisfied with the quality. No I did not get any contract yet.
UelUel sure btw we're both in Writers Hub the discord channel, so i had already added ur book to my colls previously
Sweet_SourKiwi mind if both of us swap http://wbnv.in/a/3bhuiuQ
Sweet_SourKiwi i am done with the reveiw and i gave you all my power stones
UniqueKarma hi! Would you like to regiew swap? Here's mine c:
Vanila_Michelle Here's my story, so please enjoy!
Pixxie_Mysteria999 hi! Would you like to review swap? Here's mine https://dynamic.webnovel.com/book/27199602905737805?utm_source=writerShare&utm_campaign=4325101767
the_idyllic_scribe ok http://wbnv.in/a/18hwVKY
Rarajasmin_jazz ii! Do you want to review swap with me? Here's mine!
the_idyllic_scribe Yeah, I'll do it.
https://soundcloud.com/the-nun-2-film-deutsch https://soundcloud.com/the-nun-2-film-italiano