Chikezie_Wisdom click on the link given in my post and then once you are there in my thread, paste your novel link there...I will check and then let you know.

    UelUel sure btw we're both in Writers Hub the discord channel, so i had already added ur book to my colls previously

    summer_cicada okay. please don't forget to give me some gift too and trust me i have more than more coming.

      Hey everyone! I just started publishing my first-ever web novel: Eternia Saga.
      There are 6 chapters out at this moment. So please let me know how you feel about the story thus far!
      I would love to swap honest reviews and add your book to collections if you would be willing to do the same for me!
      Genres: fantasy, war, isekai, romance, mystery, thriller, antihero

        Theothegiant Added your book to my collection! Hoping you will do the same! I will put the review out this week.






          This is an introduction story to the universe of an even bigger story that I'm planning to create in the future, but can't right now because I currently lack the writing skills necessary for it and I would like to know what you guys think so I can improve, I am posting one chapter every two weeks due to time constraints

            Moawar I added your book to my library! Will put up a formal review by next week! Hoping that you will do the same!

              Read my book: I Survived 999 Calamities

              Web Novel Novel Ask