I'm not very fond of the current leveling system as it is prone to spam.
So my suggestion is that instead of getting exp jist for posting a comment you would gain exp according to how many likes you comment gets. For example, 1 like = 1 exp. This way comment sections wouldn't have as much "first", "thx" or "exp" comments and hopefully contain discussion about the actual chapter, which i assume is the purpose of any comment section.
Does this sound like a good idea? Anyway, I'm just tired of seeing comment sections filled with meaningless comments. Please respond with any other ideas to improve leveling or reduce spam comments.
P.s. i didn't read the other thread about the leveling system so if this is a rehashed point then sorry.

    First! Thx!


    I think your ideia is good. Right now there's almost no discussionh about the chapter on comments.

    Would that include reviews as well? If they were to implement this would old reviews get the exp gained before? If so... I'm set for life. MUAHAHA.

    But no seriously, very doubtful this would happen... And if it did people would just do goofy reviews and copy and paste things into comments for likes. It would be like YouTube and their war to be cool. Which ultimately just makes the comment sections filled with stupid stuff that don't have to do with the novel.

    My thoughts anyways.

    Stupid people always ruin good things.

      With this system, I'll be rocketing through the levels, because everyone likes me, right guys? (Insert killing stare here).

      I think 1 like = 1 exp might be a bit too much... maybe 3 likes = 1 exp would be a better exchange rate otherwise everyone would just like their own comment and get 1 free exp

        Cilliez i know what i proposed isn't a perfect system buf i dont understand what you mean by people copy and pasting for likes. I think it would at least motivate people to think about what they are typing up.

        Neverfire7 Thats a good idea. Everything I wrote down is basically a rough draft(if that) so if anyone has suggestions please go ahead.

          Sounds like a good idea to me. I recently just read straight consecutive comments from a user saying "FIRST", "SECOND', etc. all by himself, and was baffled by such childish and disruptive behavior.

          Maybe @WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL can take something from this idea and make a better solution to the problem?

            Tumeke Perfect. This could be fused with my own idea as well. It can also be used to troll trolls.

            You can do this:

            3 likes per EXP, 2 dislikes for -1 EXP.

            Let's say we have person A and person B. Person A is a well-likeable person, with good reviews and comments. Person B is a troll.

            Both just broke through Level 2. They both post comments that are according to their description. Person A gets 30 likes, 2 dislikes. Person B gets 20 dislikes, 3 likes.

            Person A = (30/3) - (2/2) = 10 - 1 = +9 EXP
            Person B = (3/3) - (20/2) = 1 - 10 = -9 EXP

            Person A has 109 EXP, 391 EXP until the next level.
            Person B falls back to level 1, has 91 EXP, 9 EXP until the next level.

            This sounds fair enough. EXP has to be harder to gain than to lose.

            Going one step further, liking and disliking should be an earned privilege don't you think? Because if anyone can like or dislike, it's as easy as creating new troll accounts to down-vote someone else. It's also easier to gang up on people. There's hardly any accountability for your actions. That's why I think liking and disliking privilege should be earned first, which can also be lost and regained. Or would that be exaggerating already?

              allenguarnes There is still no dislikes on comments so I'm not worried about it for the moment but i don't think the solution is to limit the amoumt of likes you can give is the best solution. Its more of a problem of monitoring bots if it is one individual disliking a comment many times. However if it is a bunch of individuals who decide to dislike something of their own volition then i don't have a problem with it.

                a month later

                allenguarnes Yeah I'm scared of people being able to dislike comments because if that does account for -1 exp, people could just go ham on that and ruin everyone elses time. Maybe person A really hates person B so he dislikes all his comments all the time even if he's writing them well. I mean who are we to even judge what a good or bad comment is really? If someone goes "first" or something, that's always been a thing that people like to do and I don't think judging them for it is bad. Now if people go like "exp" "exp" "exp" (which I've been seeing a LOT of recently, and I made a stupid joke about it somewhere) then I think what should be done, is maybe... "flagging" - although I would HATE to make Qidian have to go through stupid comments to decipher whether one is bad or one is good. I think that the majority of people will be decent, and there may be some that won't be, but I don't know if that's just human nature. And can that really be completely fixed? ------- now aside from my super philosophical talk... if there is more accountability, and you lose your liking and disliking privilege.. in any given time, I think that liking should't need to be a privilege, because when you like someone elses comment then that's making connections with the community. The dislike function, is very troubling to me, because there are lots of loop holes and scary things. I would very worried that someone would dislike my comment for no reason, maybe just for saying my opinion because some people are like that. Now whether that removes an exp, I think that deserves a lot of thought as well, because like they said, people could gang up on others and whatnot. I think if you get uhm... maybe 5 or so dislikes, from different people of course, maybe then you lose an exp. Because then it's not just one person that's saying that it's bad. It's multiple people. And then you could then say that only a certain leveled person could do it. And when you lose one exp, I think Qidian should send you a notification about how you lost exp and how not to lose exp, and how to report unfair dislikes. There should be a clear line where one doesn't get disliked. And maybe then, it would be okay. But even then, it would be very troublesome for Qidian and maybe we as a community should learn to be okay with the stupid "exp" "first" "second" comments. If it goes down further to let's say abusive comments, then flagging would be more of use than just disliking. Wouldn't you say? I actually am saying these all without the knowledge of such a function existing because there hasn't been a reason to use it yet. Thankfully. (Sorry for my AWFULLY long rant on this certain subject.)

                and a quick thing, maybe if there is a flagging option, you could flag the comment for inproper usage of the dislike button, and then Qidian can check if it's really inproper... and if it is, like he's just saying his opinion, but he lost all those exp, then Qidian could remove the dislikes he got and give the exp back. But that's just saying IF qidian would ever take the comments that seriously. which honestly i doubt they would. but if they did. that would be a good addition.

                  Jesus, the forum was not letting me send that but apparently it sent it like 4 times in the amount of time I was trying. WHOOPS. That was so confusing. Anyways... uhm on the line where I was saying that people could just copy and paste silly things... I see some reviews where they're like "here's a recipe for lemon pican pie." and I'm just thinking, what does that have to do with anything? But PEOPLE JUST BE LIKING IT. It has nothing to do with the novel, but they love it anyways. And in a way, I don't mind especially much cause it's just people being weird and I love weird people, but if they just get exp like CRAZY, then everyone is gonna fight for that pleasure, and look for the next big weird ass thing that will get them a lot of exp. Anyways, that's just my thought process.

                  Cilliez I think that there shouldn't be a scenario where you can lose exp because it is a lot easier to make someone dislike you then like you, and I personally enjoy posting hot takes about novels so I wouldn't want to be punished for that.

                  The main problem with the current leveling system is that it incentives thoughtless comments and I think that by making it likes=exp it would at least make people think more about their comments.

                  Honestly, this system is far more exploitable and spammable then the current system. I could make 50~ accounts and just post something like 20 comments and if I use every account that's 1,000 exp in just a few hours, hell I could do it even faster with just bots and instantly make lvl 5 characters all the time. There'd be no incentive at all to level up.

                  Levels are more seen as a dedication to the site thing then a honor thing.

                  There are only 5 levels as of now. I'm sure they have made plans on how to progress already since a majority of the users here are close to level 4 already.

                    allenguarnes That is not just here on QI, everywhere that you see a new post by any translation group, there will always be people doing that thing. Heck, even I was doing that sort of thing when WW and GT were the only sites to get good novels and I would spam f5 for a chance to post first. It sort of became a game, but there was no exp or any incentive to do so. Only did it because I liked that novel at that time.

                    UnluckyDude Same thing that I said above.

                    allenguarnes Still people will be able to rig this easily. Just mass creating temporary email account (accounts are only checked while verification) level each account for minimum basic privileges and use each account to like your main account. Using a password manager would just make it a one click login and a one click like thing.(I am not counting bots as making scripts is still not as widespread as doing it manually) Not saying that the Idea is bad but if we are to improve some deficient system then we should remove all the deficiencies as on a website of this scale iterations while improving should be kept minimum.

                    Cilliez I am with you on this.

                    a year later

                    My concern with adding it would be that the ‘haters’ would just do the ‘dislike’ just to be jerks. I don’t normally come to the forum but I came to see how to deal with guy bullying numerous authors on a daily basis. I saw this post and thought of him. This kind of person would have a field day with a dislike button. You have no idea how discouraging and hurtful it can be. This should be a positive environment as much as possible.
                    I think they need to make it easier for us to report people who are abusing the system. But proper rules need to be set up.

                      My concern with adding it would be that the ‘haters’ would just do the ‘dislike’ just to be jerks. I don’t normally come to the forum but I came to see how to deal with guy bullying numerous authors on a daily basis. I saw this post and thought of him. This kind of person would have a field day with a dislike button. You have no idea how discouraging and hurtful it can be. This should be a positive environment as much as possible.
                      I think they need to make it easier for us to report people who are abusing the system. But proper rules need to be set up.

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