Citlalicue "Fluffy" didn't even realized the rule was indeed implemented, and thought nothing was being done.

If you care to read my response, I explain that there were announcements before Flaffy's mute last month and direct warnings.

    Millman97 Yes. I'm saying it was short therefore she didn't realized you had actually taken action.

      @DivineSaintBrando is this what you were talking about? You see? There are rules, and action will be taken. You just gotta bring it to the attention of the moderators so they can deal with it.

        I don't want to get involved since I like to be invisible. But I can't help myself.

        I rarely join the chat on discord. One of the reason is, because the chat is a bit messed up. But honestly, the few times I did join... from my pov, they are not that bad. They did helped me answer a few questions. (I'm not taking side with anyone)

        I've been doing my best to not offend anyone. Like saying sorry before make a new discussion (that possibly offend someone), or saying sorry immediately after I thought someone was offend.

        Cyber bully is not something we can always avoid. That also happened to quite a few times to me. You are my friend flaffy. And with the time we spent at snowman clan. I respect you.

        But it's impossible to have everyone to like us. Among 100 people of our supposed friends. There's bound to be haters in disguise.

        Staying invisible make you unknown. Being unknown means they don't know you. Not knowing you mean there's no reason for them to insult you.

        Why did they keep going insulting you? Because they know you.

        one advice from me. There's one advantage from internet that we can always use. Make a new identity. It doesn't mean we lose, or we scared of the bully. But it's more like for our health. Aren't you guys tired of this?

        This drama take a lot of energy.

        Peace... I'm not trying to offend anyone here. Sorry if I did.

        I like to make friends, not enemy.

          And before I get back to work, because I shouldn't be here.

          Can you guys let go of the grudge? Wether you are the victim or the bully. I don't care whichever you are or how everything start. It's not a blood feud. Or taking revenge for someone else. No one die, right?


          Don't tell me there IS?!

          Just ignore the fags like Billdoor . People like him who still lives in his moma's house jerking off no real job no life . Fucker probably still virgin so because of this he's calling everygirl whore because that's what he will get even then he have to ask money from his moma.

            TheLonerLion Why did they keep going insulting you? Because they know you.

            i agree with you on this. i'm also lowkey not taking any side, or maybe i am. i iz sorry if i offend anyone for stating my opinions.
            when people are so hypersensitive over every little detail, accidentally offending people is inevitable. instead, we should all just grow to be more understanding so that i can feel safe stating my personal opinions.
            i feel that people are robbing me of my safe space to write what i feel. i'm sorry but i'm won't turn into a robot for y'all, grow a backbone and learn to take hits. or just don't go online, or go out, because the world isn't nice.
            learn to deal with it or retreat to your safe space, but don't make this into toxic environment where people are afraid to talk about they don't want to offend.
            this safe haven that you create for you is deadly for me. but maybe my voice won't be heard because i learn to deal with jokes without coming to the forum for every little issue.
            i'm not talking to anyone, i'm just saying in general. i don't mean to offend, and i apologize before hand. fucking report me if you want, i'm so fucking fed up with this shit.

            I read this post and got interesting about the discord.

            To be honest, I see all and nothing. So I’m going to pretend that only immature people who don’t respect others says and do things like that. I won’t be going back to dd’s discord again. But yeah. People need to get their personality checks. And their morals. Not that I care about others opinions.

              Millman im a little tired of going over this with you yet again, you say it is already written inthe rules but guess what hon its not. In rules channel there is the 2 rules from sunny, the old channel rules from maika and 3 from you, one about spamming, another about xp, and the one you added about ignoring the rules. There is NO RULE WRITTEN that says if channel topics are not followed you will be warned and muted and banned for not following the rules there is no rule in that channel that says new role discussions musy be in server suggestion discussion it does not say that! Which brings us to our threat which if you read clearly the last post you made which was made in a response to me after that thing happened!! Clearly says the user will be banned, for those who "do not follow the rules". I have asked you repeatedly to update the rules and you said you "rules will be updated eventually" so dont try to make it seem that i am lying or "twisting" anything because this is what i see and from my point of view the rules were not updated to include that. In my DM you had told me that if i repeated my actions that you ban me, to me that is a threat, a passive one but still is one.

              To be clear I wrote this discord post again in frustration because it took you 3-4 hours to respond. This happened at one and you didnt reply to my DM until 5PM EST. Dont make it seem like i posted this after you replied to me, cause thats not what it was, twisting facts huh? Anyways if you vheck my DM you can see i clearly didnt think you would do much and so in my frustration i came here, maybe you missed that point? Don't pretend that your previous actions did not affect my view of you. Based on the previous happenings it seemed more likely if i had not come here but instead had it out with the guy you would have banned me as well. As i said ignoring is not something i do, holding in feelings of rage helps no one, everyone rages onthe internet I am allowed that, just not in your discord sever cause i will be the first to be banned yes?

              Millman97 Ok, by the time you sent this message, you'd definitely received my response to you on discord saying that I'd muted him. I don't really get what more you want from this post at this point...

              I was responding to the guy based on my feelings at the time and i still feel that had i taken matters into my own hands then like i did here on forums it would have been used as an excuse to ban me. Something like " i dont care who started it, you should have just ignored" like i said based on previous happenings where i get muted for discussing the same colors that YOU WERE WITH ME on the wrong channel i was the one muted and made an example, the people that asked me they dont matter cause i was the example! The fact that you joined in didnt matter cause you know i wass warned by you but you talked with me about it anyways. You can see how my mind would not think you would allow such things. So my point os to get my own satisfaction at having said my words to and about these things without the threat of your ban hanging over my head. Yes it is a threat to me when you have rules that are not updated and say that if we dont follow them we will be banned, i will look likethe sorry fuck to fall in that trap "but it didnt say that...." so I came here where i know i release my rage, and let others know my experience as i saw it through my eyes to warn them of the messy stuff. Sleep with one eye open kind of thing.

              I appreciate you taking the time to mute the guy, i hope we wont need to go through this again with some changes implemented.

                wow. Reading this thread is more like reading a book.
                And not the good sort of book, but a boring school-book.
                I will surely not read all those long texts here. Just the short ones.

                NineNeatherBird thats where you are wrong nether, me and bill arent friends. Just like you and i arent friends. And the difference between you and Bill is that you dont seek me out to say nasty things. I was never talking to bill yet he CHOSE to bring me up and say nasty things and that is different from what you are saying.

                And to clarify for all the people who keep saying hypersenstive blah de blah refer to:

                KingBiBiK That sounds fair. If someone calls you something you should be able to curse back.

                For me as i said i did not feel that was an option. As i said before i dont bottle my feelings up i like to release them, especially in a direct way back to the person who was aggressive to me. If i had done so, based on my past experience of my first time in the discord where i was banned under the pretense of arguing!! I felt i would get similar results. Like i said i was more upset by the fact that i could not respond to it the way i wanted to than the actual insult itself. What made me more upset is that this guy had dug me up, its not like I had already been chatting there cause that wasnt the case. They were picking a fight intentionally and i am not one to shy away, but the server rules being what they are and my prior history what it is, i felt I would be banned if i retaliated, especially considering the mob in that server that would contribute to saying that I was the one overreacting and blah de blahdie, when in fact im just returning what was given to me.

                KingBiBiK i had been inactive like i said for 2 weeks and 3 weeks in the chatting channels. I only stay for the casual novel questions/spoilers and the recent happenings of qidian. Because i was also not that active on forums anymore, and it was easier to just click the discord and do a quick skim. I was randomly pinged and that is the only reason why i saw that convo.

                  Flaffy you say it is already written inthe rules but guess what hon its not. In rules channel there is the 2 rules from sunny, the old channel rules from maika and 3 from you, one about spamming, another about xp, and the one you added about ignoring the rules. There is NO RULE WRITTEN that says if channel topics are not followed you will be warned and muted and banned for not following the rules there is no rule in that channel

                  The rules are here for a reason, ignoring rules (or channel topics) repeatedly and/or ignoring warnings will result in a server mute. After being unmuted, ignoring the rules again will result in the user's being XP reset. If it happens a third time, the user will be banned.

                  That's directly copied from the rules channel. Please note the 'or channel topics'.

                    Millman97 he he you shot yourself in the foot bruh. Cause that is not the rule i broke that made me get muted. I was muted for not following a silent rule you claimed was explicitly written, it is not.

                    That rule is a rule about the rules!!! It does not specify the actual broken rules that will get you those things!!

                    After the rules explicitly state, discussion about the new roles are for the server suggestions channel

                    Direact quote from you as to why i was muted. Now you wanna tell me where that rule is fool? Oh right you aint get to it yet like i said. So the silent rule continues and im supposed to believe you dont have more? That is my point with the rules that you say you will be punished for not following them butthey are not written. I could be muted xp deprived and banned for any goddam thing with this explanation.

                    Sorry your not a fool just a little irritated that i have said this countless times already and you seem to be skipping over it

                      Flaffy Slight miswording on my part there, it was explicitly stated in the announcement that day.

                      Hope you enjoy the new features (and if you have any complaints, wait until you're a high enough level to voice them in <#429010286138097674> 😄 )

                      That is what I was referring to before.

                        Millman97 because that is clear and not subjective at all....

                        And again its not a rule! It's an announcement. Do you know that someone will have to scroll just to see that announcement? You have added new channels and you dont specify the rules of those channels. Maika already made the first 10, you just needed to continue to add the rules as you created the channels. But you didnt and after i told you about it you said eventually. So for me I want you to understand, like i said before you can see why i would be wary of being punished for breaking a silent rule not actually written in the rules!!

                          Flaffy It's not a silent rule; it was just added to the announcements before a more general version was made. The day you were muted was the day that announcement was made, so it was the most recent announcement with no scrolling needed and @Everyone was pinged, so everyone should've seen this.

                          And the new rules in the server are actually coming today thanks to Storm writing them up properly.

                            As a side note to all women, if you wonder where comedians get the stereotypical jokes about females not letting shit go, constantly bringing up the past and beating dead horses in an argument... I present to you this thread.

                              Millman97 well thats great news.

                              But until it is written there it is a silent rule and so you in your previous post making claims about twisting and trying to make it seem like what i said is not true is just false cause the fact is its not a rule its an announcement. And to this timestamp it is still an announcement and it is not explicitly a rule as it does not say it is a rule anywhere in that announcement!! nor does the actual content meet the definition of the word explicit which is clear and detailed which that announcement portion is not!!

                              I am not a liar and i have never once made up something that didnt happen, i may misunderstand due to lack of information on my part but i always say if something is my opinion or not.

                                Gamblejay Yes cause women are supposed to sit back and be insinuated to be liars and allow people to talk crap about what they do and not respond. Oh and lets not forget they have to make the meals and clean the house and god forbid they wear no make up, i can make jokes too buddy but you dont wanna go down that road with me.

                                I dont think so buddy. Stop trying to change the narrative of my thread. Nice try though, have a nice day thanks for visiting.

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