
Webnovel will only pay through bank, but patreon pays through Paypal and bank, allowing more options for authors to get paid. Not everybody have a bank account, and getting a paypal account is fast and easy.

Plus, authors will gain a lot more money through patreon. While it is an additional way for authors to earn money, it is not a suggested way since the most they will make is a few extra quarters through this Paid Origin Stone system.

If your content is good, people will naturally support you, but this Paid OS system is just very forced and unnecessary.

It will be like this now, and it will stay like this even in the future.

    BaiSiwa If that Is the case, then I am clear about it now. So my comment is now changed, no more idea for paid origin stones.

      good point but i think it will not get accepted easily since original novel just started, they might need a few solid author like you.


        If they are truly trying to give original authors expoures, why wait when they can do it now?

        And these are mere suggestions. I do not actually expect them to implement any of these any time soon.

          No way this will be implemented

          Remember, qi has full control of translation, and 0 control of original novel before any contract

          So qi will never treat them equal.

          Think about, what if an original novel become so popular, the author demand a lot of money (which I think it is fair) , but this will never happen to translation, qi could just change the translator


            You are not getting the point of this thread. This thread is to help authors get exposure, not to fight translations.

            Everything suggested here does not really affect the translations; it is more of extra ways to improve the original novel community.

              What I means is, it is best interest of qi to promote product they has full control

              Qi will not promote a product, that could be bought elsewhere


                The thing is, Webnovel wants to promote Original Novels, or at least that is what they claim.

                Their staff came to us, the authors, and asked for suggestions on ways to increase exposure for the authors, hence the point of this thread.

                BaiSiwa one of your fierce competitors here, cough cough - I shall never join the Bai clan!

                I agree with origin stones, and most of your points except in design aspects.


                Because if you look at the mother site, it is practically the same layout! If we go against that code, what does that mean?

                Are we rebels then, the international site, daring to defy convention?

                What will that make us?

                Also, Bai cannot get the name of origin stones! That is so unfair! They must be called overpowered stones because they’re better than power stones!!!

                This is not a shameless advertisement for overpowered system!...

                However, you guys should check it out.....

                  BaiSiwa uhm, bai, you underestimate how much royalties are for authors. If we get 15% of profits from origin stones, then we would get a lot of money. if we had say 2000 reads netting say 5 cents per chapter per each stone. You especially would get a lot more than you think.

                  Seriously though, we will find out However, do not underestimate royalties.

                  I have a feeling even 500 reads in one unlocked chapter would be worth at least 10 dollars. And that’s just 500.. you, my friend, might get like 2500 a day. That’s like 50 dollars from just your up to date readers.. that’s just my overestimate - you also might get more readers. However, I think it’s common to give writers a pretty good Share of royalties. However my name is not bai, and this is all conjecture.


                    I am not underestimating the royalties, but you are overestimating the amount of money you would recieve.

                    Also, WHO would actually buy Origin Stones to support the author with nothing in return when they can support them with patreon/spirit stones and get a chapter in return?

                      BaiSiwa I think Patreon has a selective audience. By that I mean it depends on the story, and the author.

                      However, remember the premium stories would also have contracts. So in addition to royalties they’d get support, and if you happened to be selected, they’d help you in other ways.

                      Sure, when compared to ‘origin stones’ authors of some stories can make more money without them. However, with the help publishing, the exposure, the alternate avenues of generating revenue - turning stuff into web comics -, and all the other things they are offering. In the end, it would probably tip the scales towards profitable to drop the Patreon.

                      One day, you might have that choice Bai. Hopefully, you’ll make money either way.

                      May we all make money!!!!

                        AidaHanabi the Bai clan is a secret sect on the writers discord. However, I will no longer support their tyrany!

                        Btw, this is all a joke.

                        It’s not a real sect I don’t think. However, he might some day make one for real...

                          BlueLightToTheWest yeah, of course I know we just joking here. 😂😂😂

                          But well... Maybe in future we would be make our own sect or kingdom. LoL

                          I really want do that. Really...
                          I'm serious here! 😂😂😂 lol

                            Web Novel Novel Ask