CreamPuffDelights this just proves that most subscribers in this website are males. Otherwise these rankings will have different results.
Martial art master!
Ply I work in a popular bookstore chain in Manhattan. I dont need the rankings or the store sales chart to see female customers flowing to "that" side of the store. So i would like to disagree with your statement.
CreamPuffDelights now I remember. Shades of grey.
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Ply That and many others, but yeah.
Roocketman By that logic, and past experience from when it was dropped by the previous, previous translator, we're all in for a nice long wait until we get more chapters. Possibly around 6 months if the last break was any indication.
CreamPuffDelights Same(ish) - I work in TV at a well-known studio. The gender skew for action/so-called āmaleā shows is more even than you would suspect.
Still no update on Martial Art Master
Hey @WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL, I'm going through withdrawal here.
Do we need to wait next year again?LOL
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Cuando van a conseguir un traductor para esta serie!? Es de las mejores series que hay en el sitio y no entiendo por que dejan de sacar capĆtulos.
takeshi_zaizen Probably :āD
So many good story but so little translator....T-T
mahina history repeats itself huh? LOL
Do we ALL need to flood this sham of a forum with our request just to be heard?! Webnovel is NOT doing their part responsibly. What are their measures to protect their subscribers interest? Like a popular novel is suddenly dropped. Don't those under contract with webnovel have to issue notice to the management? What does the management do to resolve this matter?
I wish there was clear communication. Translators can drop novels, etc. it can all happen, but clear communication is simply courtesy.
On the novel's page it still says that the schedule is 14/week. That's not been the case in months, even the period where there were chapters again it was about 12/week.
You can complain here about rights and all but that's not going to get you anywhere. This isn't a single translator with empathy, it's a company that in the grand scheme of things does not care as much about one novel at the back of the catalog.
Even so, clear communication should still be a minimum. How difficult can that be? This is Qidian's responsibility. Unfortunately, Qidian has never been transparent in their communication, has never been clean in their actions.
And all comments of the last two weeks in the last chapter, talking about this, have been removed by Qidian for some reason ...
WBD webnovel management is not compitent. They should upgrade / improve their practices to go along with the rising numbes of their subscribers needs. I don't think they were really ready for this large international platform. It's a whole new ballgame. They want to have a lot of subscribers but when they did, they are dropping the ball.
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3 weeks... 3 whole weeks without a single chapter...
This is seriously starting to affect the way I view this site. It would be good if qidian gave us a reply on what happen to the new translator, but I guess the chances of finding big foot is bigger than actually getting a reply from qidian.
I mean, we've been going at it for 3 weeks asking just where is our chapters... Yet instead of giving a reply it's like we're invisible. This proves how much qidian cares about their consumers/members - we're just part of a minority that they don't give a damn about.
Oh well #GiveUsAnswers
guys will ever any admin of webnovel tell us anything nope its just blindly follow them, dropped novels, if no ones picks it up someone should fan translate it.
WN is dark.go figure.