Let's swap reviews, I'm in for author page likes too if you're interested?
Let's swap reviews, I'm in for author page likes too if you're interested?
Dara_Manuel I didn't realize you locked your chapters - but your writing is really good! I throughly enjoyed the chapters and you get my collection - I need to read more once I get some more coins
I reviewed as donutluver
Julie_Ahn_2826 Done with yours as well. I'm glad I came across your work its worth the time.... Wanted to review after 7 chapters but ended up reading 17
Yusuf_I_JR sure, will start with yours as soon as possible
Dara_Manuel I'm done reviewing yours.... Although I couldn't get through to your page
I'm interested, review, collection and comment swap.
Rainbowprincess Hey! Wanna swap with me? Here's my link: https://dynamic.webnovel.com/book/23731037606908105?utm_source=writerShare&utm_campaign=4310748038
Anyone interested in review swap? Collection swap? If so, reply me
Bunny_Junnie so I would be down. I will reply as "donutluver"
Bunny_Junnie I'm in ......I'll review your work when i'm free
Yusuf_I_JR Done reviewing yours
Bunny_Junnie Thanks.... Done
Yusuf_I_JR sorry for the trouble. And thanks I also finished yours
Yusuf_I_JR and just one thing... The xhapters you posted so far a good, but you could easy up on the long paragraphs.
Bunny_Junnie will start yours as soon as possible
I'll do yours, here's mine
Chained (A romantic interracial novel)
Ba_nks hey can u review mine as well..... l'll go roght now and review urs...
But it will take some times as l always read the story before reviewing it as l feel it will be fair for everyone.....
So l am expecting the same from u....but u don't have to read all of them but l am requesting u to read atleast 2 or 3 chapters before u do review.....Plzzz...
Thank u...
Bunny_Junnie Done with yours.... Your story line has great potential... As for the grammar mistake I advice you to use grammarly, it helps me alot as English is also not my first language, I hope it will be of some help to you
Ba_nks sure, Will start with yours as soon as possible
Dara_Manuel thanks for advice btw, can you give me your book link? I can't find yours