DKQ Yo man, thanks for the review... I really appreciate it.. Would have replied a long time ago but I'm having issues with my WiFi.. I sent you a discord invite man....

Thanks again...

P.s. please read my Novel... Hehehe

  • DKQ replied to this.

    DKQ I don't have much experience with discord but am willing to learn and help you set the server up. If you want help? I would also like to help review novels if you still want help?

    • DKQ replied to this.

      creativewritting That would be great, will contact you when I create the discord server, most likely within 12 hours as I am writing a new article at the moment for my uni. Helpers are welcome as I plan to mod all those that want to assist with the novels.

      Requirements are basic English for all those that want to help out. Reviews will be posted through this thread while the discord will be used to get a better understand on the novels we will review.

        DKQ I'd like to join xD I'll try helping in the reviews but I'll be putting up my novel there for reviews most of the time.

          aaaaaa1wewew Hello author, I just finished reading the first chapter and was really surprised to see this style of writing, has a feeling of poems and the emotions are well placed! Certain issues has been found sadly such as:


          • Grammar mistakes [Few, would recommend Grammarly on that part]
          • Transitional phrases [patriarch part before passing the role of the family head, few during the start and end]
          • The balance between sentences [Short outweighs the long sentences, improvement can be done by expanding the scenes]

          there are more minor mistakes but most are common and can be fixed by reading it out loud. Another thing I wish to discuss would be the usage of Irregular verbs, this can improve your novel quality and improve your writing a lot. Hopefully, this helped as I still am inexperienced, good luck and keep up the good work!

            My novel is bl genre so I won't advertise here. What I want to say as both reader and author is I agree if someone rated my novel low because of my poor grammar. [My poor grandma... sob sob...] Anyhow, I understood how important it is to have great writing skill to make it easier for the reader to understand your story.

            Grammarly doesn't help so much. Sometimes, the Grammarly cannot be depended on because the bot doesn't explore enough words in its dictionary. It can help with some simple crucial mistake like adding 'the' or 'a', on something but for other grammar mistakes, you have to be a premium user but still, it is not as good as having an editor.

            I have experience receiving bad reviews saying that my grammar sucks and even received the famed author's block because of the stress. It is hard to accept bad review, I understand it but I also understand the readers feeling when they are reading my novel.

            However, the only thing I could not master in my life is my grammar because I don't have the time to learn or a teacher to teach.

            This would be my pieces of advice for every rookie author.

            1. Always try to improve your novel because one day, you will be reading it and say, is this my novel or a shit? Just like I did.

            2. Try to write on your computer without publishing it on a website for at least 50 chapter so that you know what you are writing and you won't be stressed over what the other say about your novel. Stress can lead to author's block so it will be best to prevent it from happening.

            3. After around 30 chapter, you should re-read your story so you know how your story goes. If there is any mistake in the plotline, it won't be too late to change it.

            4. Create another document with your character's information inside. You can spoil whatever and however, you want in this document. Write their name, their personality, their history and if you are diligent write what chapter they first appear in your novel.

            5. Try not to put any pressure on yourself. For example, avoid writing such thing like 1 chapter a day if you cannot be certain that you can provide a stable update.

            6. If you compare your story with others, try to be a reader and not an author. A reader can comment whatever you like in the novel you read. An author will try to compare what lack in the other person's novel and what lack in his own novel. So, be a reader than an author. If you hate a moment in the chapter you write, just ruthlessly comment I f*cking hate this chapter or this novel.

              This way, you will not stress over what you lack.

            7. I recommend being honest with your novel and the reader. If you are having author's block, tell your reader you are having one rather than telling a white lie. The less pressure you have, the better your story will be. Trust me.

            Another thing that I truly recommend is letting someone you know read your story. If you hear an unpleasant comment from them, try other people until you find someone that truly understood what you are going for.
            This way, you can ask them how the story should go if you ever have an author block. They will also be the one to lift up your spirit when you feel like giving up on the story.

            Hopefully, that will be helpful. Don't stop writing, that's all I can say to all author.

            If any of you are courageous, try reading my bl novel. Sorry for advertising here. The Legendary Demonic Deity [BL] links

              Thanks a lot for the feedback! I will work on those things you have mentioned.

                WanDongDong Now that is an excellent way of expressing yourself! I never judged nor did I plan to judge any novel no matter how many bad reviews it gets because I understand what it feels like to be given bad reviews, sometimes it is all about what they like while ignoring our interest and passion about novels.

                Caring about bad reviews is a wrong way when being an author as it will affect you mentally and the worst-case scenario will stop you from writing. Best way to avoid it is to look at those reviews and comments in a positive way because this will not only help you understand the reason behind the bad review but give yourself the challenge to become better!

                  Kimmyah Hello Kimmyah, reading through your first chapter I have noticed that you hate the comma. Starting new topics will begin after a full-stop or a paragraph but in between subjects commas are a better way to represent your writing level. Several grammar mistakes can be detected [he just want a water]. There are many ways to improve yourself while writing and the best way is to simplify your words, instead of saying "I believe that apples are very tasty" you should say "Apples are delicious," this makes it simple and more straightforward to write, ways to improve this are through:

                  ways to improve yourself in writing novels

                  • Sometimes a short sentence is better than a long one (Depends on the author level)
                  • Words should complement each other (Like cooking food, things go together and it becomes perfect)
                  • Think before you write something (Sit back and relax, no need to rush)
                  • Read what you wrote before publishing
                  • Practice makes better results!
                  • Motivate yourself through your writing (The protagonist did something amazing through motivation)

                  Grammar mistakes are easy to solve but it is better to use words that you are used to instead of complicated words, improvement doesn't happen in minutes or hours but through constant practice and work. Keep up the good work and good luck with your novel!

                  If there are any issues you wish to discuss, you are welcome to talk to me through discord for more information.

                    DKQ 😄😄 I am tired of not being able to write. Right now, I'm only thriving to finish my book regardless of what othrr people say. It is frustrating to see a book is left unfinished

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